Nom~ Nom~ Nom~
It was late in the night in the Vanitas household, and when everyone should've been in bed and asleep at this time, there was a certain Milf scarfing down an array of food on her plate, like it was the first time she had seen food in weeks.
She threw all etiquette and table manners aside and just grabbed the food on her plate with her two hands and flung it into her mouth while chewing on it so hard that you could probably hear her eating from the street outside.
She wasn't eating in such a frenzy late in the night because she was hungry or anything, as she had already eaten her dinner at a friend's house where she had been staying for the whole day to avoid her son. But because the food her son had prepared for her and kept in the fridge for when she came home was simply too delicious.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: