
Excited And Lost

She didn't know exactly how she knew the difference, as from an outsider's point of view, his final kiss was actually quite wholesome compared with the rest of the kisses he gave on her body; especially the one on her breasts.

But after years of human interaction with others, and the wisdom she obtained about relationships and love as a mature adult, she just knew that her son didn't look at her simply as a mother, and looked like he wanted something else from her, from that one kiss.

All his actions before that seemed quite inappropriate to do to his own mother, like groping his mother's ass, removing her clothes, or kissing her all over her body, could all be interpreted as him being playful and teasing his own mother to get a funny reaction from her, and was completely harmless at the end of the day. 

But the kiss she recieved now...Well, that, on the other hand, told her a lot of things that she needed to think about.

Like, how exactly she feels right now after finding out that her own son has certain feelings for her, and how they were going to go forward in their relationship.

Feelings wise, she could be said to be both very excited, and at the same time, very lost. 

She was excited and beyond elated that not only was she having certain feelings for her son, but her son also had the same thoughts towards her, which made her feel that she wasn't alone and that someone was there by her side, in this incestuous relationship. And rather than thinking about when and why her son had such thoughts about her, she was more busy thinking about her future together with him, where they were open about their feelings and where that would possibly lead to.

As for the reason she felt lost, she just didn't know if the feelings they had for one another were right or wrong, and was worried that they were doing something that could potentially be sabotaging their future. Even though her motives were pure and just started out naturally because of the circumstances, she knew that she could not flaunt what she was feeling, as from a moral standpoint it was very wrong to have such desires for a family member, and she didn't know what to think about this whole situation.

She was also confused about how they were going to maintain their mother-son relationship, when both of them had certain thoughts towards one another. 

It would've been fine if it was only her who had such desires, as she would be able to control herself knowing that she had no chance to express them, and the other party would ultimately be impartial since no such thoughts would arise in him due to their relationship. But now that she confirmed that it wasn't single-sided, but went on both ends, she just knew that it was inevitable that their thoughts would collide at some point and they would have no choice but to come out with it, which she didn't know how it would affect their current relationship.

In the depths of her heart, she for one didn't mind being in a forbidden relationship with her son, as it would bring her great joy and pleasure to be with the one she adored; if she ignored the morality behind it. But at the same time, she didn't want to completely abandon their mother-son relationship, as she ultimately still cared about him more as a son, than a man, and wouldn't want to throw that relationship away no matter how much she fell for him. 

Even if she decided to completely give in to him, be it her body and soul, she still believed that her heart would show motherly love for him no matter what happens, so she was really confused about what to do with their relationship as well.

And to clear up this confusion she had, what she needed was time. 

She needed time, so that she could properly think everything through and come to a final decision about how she was going to deal with her feelings and their relationship overall. And she also needed to maintain their current status quo, while thinking of a solution, as going further in their taboo relationship would only confuse her even more.

That's why, when she reached the living room of their house while walking to the kitchen, she let go of her son's hand and bolted towards the main door. She just knew that if she went towards the kitchen, certain things would occur that would forever change their relationship, which was the last thing she wanted right now, so she decided to escape from her son's grasp and run away to slowly think everything out.

She knew that her son told her not to let go of his hand and only let her do so, since he trusted that she would follow him after going through everything she made him do, but she had no choice but to go against what he said, since their relationship was on the line.


But God knows where she got the confidence to outrun her son, who was a hair's breath away from her. When she couldn't even run away from him even with a head start, as the moment she reached the door and pulled it open, she saw a pale hand come from behind her and slam the door shut.

Seeing that her son's hand was firmly placed on the door and she had no way to go through the door, she decided that she should at least get away from her son, and tried to run away in a direction that wasn't blocked by her son's hand against the door.


But sadly, even that escape plan didn't work out, as her son slammed his other hand against the other side of the door and completely boxed her in against the door, not giving her a chance to escape. 

Her back was currently against the main door, and to her left and right were her son's hands that looked so wide at the moment, and finally right in front of her was her son looking right down at her with her lips curled up. He was only a few inches in front of her and was currently looking at her like she was prey, while she herself looked like a frightened little rabbit that got caught doing something bad.


That's it for now folks. I've fully depleted my backlog once again. The next time the chapters start coming out will take longer then before, since I've taken a part time job that will take up my time.

...Well, then until we meet again.


Some sample pictures can be seen on this discord account for those who are interested

AGodAmongMencreators' thoughts
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