
No Escape

"That's why I always say that you shouldn't run in the house. Imagine what would've happened if I hadn't caught you." Her son said like he was deeply concerned about her.

But rather than being touched that her son was caring about her well-being, she was more shocked to see that she had bumped into her son when he was supposed to be standing near the other room. She had no idea how he moved from place to place so fast, and wondered if he could phase through walls like a ghost.

But it was better to think about her silly thoughts later, as her main goal was to escape from her son.

"Did I just not tell you to stop running in the house, Abi? Just why won't you listen to your father?" She could hear son say in a serene tone, as she tried to find another room to hide in.

But the moment she did find one and was about to enter, she saw her son waiting there, like he had long predicted that she would go there. 

The house they lived in was quite big and had many ways to get from one place to another, so she thought that she could lose him by going in different paths. But somehow he still managed to find which room she was going to and blocked her from entering.

"Are you finally tired of playing around, Abi?" Her son casually asked, like all of this was a game that they were playing and he was going along for her daughter's sake. "Cause your father is starving right now and can't wait to eat you right now, I mean, eat right now, and-...Wait, where are you going?"

She didn't even let her son finish her sentence since she had already bolted off, after realising that hearing his mocking words only made her feel more helpless and that she should only focus on escaping and ignore everything else. 

"You know that running away is useless right?" As if her son heard her thoughts, a voice came from behind which she chose to ignore thinking that she definitely had a chance of escaping from his grasp.

But unfortunately for her, her son's words came true, as no matter which room she tried to run into, she would always find him standing there before her. Be it the bedroom, bathroom, storage room, guestroom, or any room that was available on the first floor, she would always see her son first, and then only would the room come into sight. 

It was like her son had some mysterious power that allowed him to move like a ninja through the house without making a single sound, and could somehow move so fast that she could hardly catch a glimpse of him. 

And even though she was already starting to sweat from running around the house they just moved into, her son's dress hadn't even creased in the slightest, as if he just went for a brisk walk in the park. 

Even though she was running around acting like how her son did in the past, she was way older than her son back then and didn't have the same energy he had. She knew that she couldn't keep this up much longer or else she would collapse onto the floor and be forced fed by her son, so she could only think about the final path available, which was the stairs upstairs. 

There was only one way up to the first floor, so as long as she went up first, her son would have no chance of catching up to her. But it seems her thoughts were once again read, as she found her son at the bottom of the stairs, looking at the photos on the wall and standing like he was waiting for her. 

Frustrated that her son caught up to her again, and was taunting her by casually checking out their family photos, she turned back to dash somewhere else once again. She thought that as long as she wasn't near her son, she would go anywhere, as he was the biggest threat to her, and decided to lock herself in the pantry that was still being built.

But just as she took her first step, she felt someone hold her hand and pull her back to where she was standing. She didn't even need to turn back to know who it was that caught her, and was firmly holding her in her place.

"I think we've played around enough, Abi." Her son tightly held her hand and looked like he had no intention of letting her off easily. "Let's go and have our dinner now, shall we, before it gets cold?"

There was a certain firmness in his tone, as if he was tired of playing her games and was authoritatively calling his daughter back. She, too, felt like he was her actual father and just thought that she had to follow his orders. She didn't even resist when her son pulled her hand, since she was actually afraid of going against his words because of the rigid feeling he gave off, which only her parents gave.

"Kafi, my hand hurts. You're pulling too-" She wanted to say that he was holding her too tightly, but stopped when her son turned back and looked at her with an amused look on his face. 

"Kafi?...So, you think you're old enough to call your father by his name right now?" He looked at her like he was wondering where she got the guts to call him directly by his name. 

"Have you forgotten that I'm your father? Or, is that my little Abi is going through her rebellious phase, and is going to call me like that from now on?" He asked with a smile on his face, which she couldn't tell if he was joking or not. 

"N-No...D-Daddy....It's not like that." Rather than calling her son as her father, because of the bet, she called him Daddy because it just felt natural with the way he spoke and looked at her with a stern look on his face. 

She thought that even if they weren't having a bet and her son acted the same way, she'd still call him Daddy since it just felt right at the moment. And even though she didn't want to call him Daddy at all costs since it would only enhance her feelings of seeing her son as a man, addressing her son as her father still gave her a wonderful feeling of taboo that warmed up her loins.

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