
Shall We Start The Bet?

"Oh...That's a interesting idea you got there Kafi, and I love the competitive spirit in your eyes that just looks like mine in the face of a challenge...You truly are my one and only son." My bet seemed to have piqued my mother's interest, as she showed signs of joining, when she saw her son propose a bet when he had never done such a thing before.

"What are the rules of the bet?" My mother got closer to my face and asked to make sure she didn't mishear anything, which showed her competitive nature to win.

"There are not too many." I explained the rules. "The first one is that you should not break character no matter what happens, and you should act like my daughter, while I act like your father during the whole bet. If by chance you do break character before the bet ends, then you will automatically lose by forfeit."

My mother nodded her head as she completely agreed with her words, not only because it made sense for it to be that way, but also because it would be more interesting to stay in character like we were in a play, since she seems like someone who enjoyed artistic performances and would love a little role play with her son, which would definitely become a memory she can cherish in the future.

"The second rule is that you can do whatever you want to stop the other party from succeeding, as long as it comes under their character or role." My mother also agreed with this rule of mine.

"And finally you are free to forfeit whenever you want when you can't handle the bet, which would ultimately lead to your loss."

"Then, what about the forfeit Kafi? What punsishment would the loser receive for losing the bet?" My mom asked curiously, and she looked she wanted to have a say in the forfeit condition.

"Since I made the rules, why don't you make the forfeit conditions mom?" My mother grinned when she heard her words, and it almost looked devious in nature, as if she was waiting for me to allow her to choose the punishment and I had fallen into her trap.

"Since you yourself let me choose, mommy will graciously accept your offer." She said with a sneaky smile on her face like she won the battle and stated her forfeit conditions.

"If you lose...." Her eyes glowed as she announced the punishment, and I held my breath thinking that her condition was going to be very harsh with the way she was acting. But instead, I heard a condition that I honestly didn't expect to hear

"... you'll have to call me mommy."




"...I-I'll have to call you mommy?" I didn't expect her punishment for me to be that easy.

"Yes Kafi, you have to call me mommy instead of mom from here on forth, like a son who adores her mother." My mother proudly said, like the plan she hatched worked out. "You used to refuse to call me mommy in the past no matter how many times I begged you to call me that, saying that it was too embarassing to call me that. But now we have this bet as a condition, you have to call me mommy no matter what!"

She laughed to herself like she had already won the bet and saw me calling her mommy all the time in the near future.

"Then, I'll match your forfeit condition mom." I said my condition if the one who loses the bet was her, instead of me.

"Y-You also want me to call you mommy?" My mother looked at me weirdly, wondering if something was wrong with her son.

"Of course I don't want you to call me mommy!" I shivered at the thought of my own mother calling me mommy.

"I want you to call me daddy." I coughed and clearly stated my condition after hearing that she wanted me to call her mommy. "But not all the time, just when I feel like teasing you, since it would be really awkward otherwise."

"You want me to call you daddy on call?" My mom didn't know what to think of my winning condition, and wasn't sure if she could accept it.

It was fine if she made her son call her mommy in the first place, since she was my actual mother after all. But it just made no sense for her to call her son daddy, as not only would it mess up the family hierarchy, it would also be extremely embarrassing to call her son who she watched grow up 'daddy' all of a sudden, and would be quite the shameful act.

She also looked at me and seems to have thought of something else, which made her blush and look away from me. I'm guessing it had something to do with what we did earlier, or even before that when I first groped her ass, but it could honestly be for any reason that I don't know off.

I didn't know if she was going to take the bet or not since she was still thinking about it, but I didn't want to risk it and decided to provoke her into accepting the bet.

"It's fine if you don't want to accept the bet mom, since I understand that your punishment is more embarassing then mine." I provoked her by using her competitive nature against her. "But you did say so confidently, that I had no chance of winning against you, and I actually really thought that you were really cool at that moment, with how confident you were about yourself...But it seems like all that confidence of yours was simply a lie, since you seem to be really hesitating right now."

"Who said I was lying!?" My mother exclaimed, like she didn't want her own son to lose her faith in her and think of her as a liar. "You're mother is anything but a liar and always keeps her promises!"

"So the bet..." I asked.

"Consider me in." She accepted, so that she could keep up her image in front of me. "As for that punsishment of yours, it really is shameful and would make me want to run away in embarrassment to call you that on command, but that's only if you win this bet and there's no chance of that happening."

"Ohh~ Now that's the mother I really admire and look up to~" I clapped my hand at her confident gait, that actually looked really cool.

"Hmph! This nothing for your mother!" Her ego seemed to have filled up after she heard her beloved son say that he looked up to her, and she looked extremely proud with herself.

But that confident look of her face froze the moment she saw me staring at her with a smile that wasn't a smile at the same time, with eyes that looked like I was admiring her actions but at the same time looking at her like she was a poor little child who got tricked, without her even knowing what's wrong .

She shivered when she saw the smile that was creeping up on my face, like I was looking at my prey having it's final moments before I ate her up without even leaving the bones. And she slowly started pull away from me, as her face drastically changed from one that of utter confidence to one that of trepidation and alarm, as if something bad was going to happen.

And just as I was wondering if it was okay to delay the Gods request and go on a sub-quest on my own, I recieved a message from the Gods.


[The God of Flames Ophelial sends another request: Win the bet with your role as her father and thoroughly 'punish' your 'daughter' for being disobedient along the way]

[Successfully fulfill the request and gain the Gods satisfaction and approval]

[Fail the given request and you will be sent to the core of the sun to get burned alive]

My smile grew even wider when I recieved the approval of the Gods to go on this venture of my own, which scared my mother to the point she got up from the seat, and looked like she was wondering is she should've really taken this bet since it seemed like she had fallen into a trap of mine.

I didn't want to give her any chances of taking back the bet, so I went over to the kitchen and brought back the kitchen timer that acted as a timer to prep meals.

"20 minutes...I've set the time to 20 minutes, which should be about the same time it took you to feed me in the past." I wound the timer up and placed it on the dining table without removing my hands from the timer, so that it didn't start. "If I manage to feed you in 20 minutes, then I win the bet...But if I don't, and you somehow stop me from doing so, then you will take the win."

I then looked at my mother who already looked like she was regretting her decision to make a bet with me with my lips curled upward, and said

"So...Shall we start this bet of ours, mom..." I took my hand of my timer, and looked at my mother's pityful figure as I embraced the role as my mother's father.

"...Or should I say, my adorable little daughter, Abi."


With the timer ringing it's chime, the 20 minutes of father-daughter playtime had officially begun...


The story should pick up the pace from here on forth. But I honestly don't think that's it's slow paced, and the reason anyone feels that way is because each chapter is only a 1000 words and not a lot of development can happen with that little of a word count

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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