
Zura Forest 5

Alex was standing in front of the drawbridge, staring.

He appeared to be either unconscious or to be averting his gaze.


Finally, his eyes blinked.

"What happened to me?"

As if he was dreaming, he asked himself.

"Where is the blue bear? As well as the cabin? "

When he first noticed his surroundings, he was taken aback.

He took a careful look at his surroundings.

He searched every corner but the blue bear and the cabin were missing.

"Hahahaha… looks like I'm dreaming…"

Even though he was laughing, he had a bad feeling about something.

He could not put it into words, but he knew something was very wrong.

He was positive.

But, at this point, he was having second thoughts about whether he was truly certain.

He shook his head and did not think about what had happened earlier.

It is better for him to ignore it and concentrate on his task.

He went to the drawbridge.

He could feel the cold air and the increasing dizziness caused by its height.


He immediately shook his head.

While looking down, something whispered in his mind, causing him to want to jump.

He shook his head again and increased his speed because he thought he could do it.

After crossing the drawbridge, he took the stairs down to the river.

He checked his smartphone.

It is currently 4:10 p.m.

His body was covered in horn rabbit blood, so he immediately jumped into the river to bathe.

"It is cold..."

After paddling with his hands, he removed his clothes.

He used the cleansing token to wash his clothes quickly and then laid them on the stone to dry.

After taking a bath, he put on the extra clothes he had brought.

Alex Hambell adores black, so he dresses entirely in the color.

It is a good thing his incognito hoodie dries quickly; if not, others will notice he is still young.

He could be kidnapped or sent back, and as a result, his task may not be completed.

While waiting, he ate the food he had brought.

It is not as good as Rica's cooking, but it is still tasty.

After sixty minutes, he resumed his stroll.

It is 5:13 p.m., and he needs to get to his destination before the sun sets.

Zura Forest Entrance.

It was 5 p.m. when Erica's emergency team arrived.

To save her friend, she still needs to learn more about the individuals she will need to contact.

Ten individuals total, all with different occupations.

Her insufficient knowledge of the area indicated by Angelina's magical device is her only issue, so she made sure the individuals she took had side jobs.

Angelina was unable to attend due to her role as guild leader, so she lent her magical device.

The device in her hand is known as Red Dot.

The reason Angelina gave it this name is that, when you hold it, it genuinely has a red dot that appears whenever you think about someone.

In addition to providing the location, the map indicates whether or not the person is safe.

It indicated that Aqua was still safe, so she did not waste any more time and they started preparing to camp here because it was the safest place they could find.

As they were unable to reach the location indicated by the red dot before nightfall, they made the decision to set up camp at the entrance.

They will take the longer route tomorrow because they were unable to find the shortest route.

Yes, even though the map indicates that it will only take two to three hours to walk, they will need to walk for at least five to six hours tomorrow since they were unable to locate the correct path to the shortcut.

This is due to the last elf warrior's illusion mist.

According to the rumors, the last elf warrior created the illusion in the forest to conceal something.

Unfortunately, it was only a legend and never existed.

Nonetheless, a greater number of people held the view that the mist illusion was a natural occurrence and that no elf warrior was in charge of it.

"I see…so we are going near that famous area."

"Yeah, but compared to the monsters, it is not that scary."

"I think that is scarier than usual, you know. If you are unable to leave the mist, you will die of starvation."

"I believe there are still trees and monsters there, so we can eat and survive."

"Said by whom?"


"Right? There are no survivors yet, so how can we be certain that this is a safe trip."

"Are you a fool? We are adventurers; we are not here to picnic or camp."

"Oh, right. I forgot."

"How did you even forget that?"






Despite the fact that the sun has only just set, the five males are already drunk.

Meanwhile, five females, including Erica, are conversing on the other side.

"I did not expect you to come with me, Rea."

Fair skin, blue eyes, and long, red hair with an average height

This woman is known as Rea Brunhilde.

She is Aqua's step-sister and one of the tenants of Hollins Manor.

"Even though our mothers are different, I still adore my sister."

"I hope you can express that to her directly. You are always cold to her but not to others."

"I couldn't help... I want to adore her, but she prefers to keep our relationship the same. But I made the decision not to hold back anymore. After we rescue her, I am going to spoil her rotten."

Erica sighs, staring at her ridiculous face as she considers how she would spoil her sister.

Nobody would ever think that May City's most attractive woman had a serious sister complex.

Nevertheless, since Rea is an engineer, she is incredibly helpful.

Engineers are an occupation that upgrades, in contrast to investigators who have multiple branches of occupation.

From Craftsman, Blacksmith, Jewelers, and Engineer.

Put differently, she possesses a great deal of talent.

"Our boys are already wasted for the night, so who will be the first pair?"

Erica questioned them as the team leader.

The males were already sleeping near the campfire, but nothing was done about it.

Instead, they discuss which pair will be the guards for the next three hours.

Next chapter