
Saving a damsel in distress

As the sun blazed high in the sky, Luke made his way towards the main gate, where he was stopped by a security operative but after revealing his student ID he was allowed to leave.

Passing through the gates of the academy, Luke stepped out into the dry afternoon air, the sounds of nature surrounding him as he walked along the winding path that led to the nearby bus stop.

He checked the schedule posted on the nearby sign, his anticipation growing as he waited for the next bus to arrive. When it finally pulled up, Luke climbed aboard and he saw scanty bus with barely four passengers.

At the back of the boss were two ladies chatting happily amongst themselves while a couple sat at the middle of the bus, laughing as they scrolled through pictures on their phones.

Luke found a seat near the window where he could watch the world pass by as they traveled towards their destination.

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