
Ch-83:Kevin Klevine

After the rescue of a major portion of the missing people was completed successfully, many cheered for Liria Dekrof and Arcane Academy.

The city guards, who were the recipients of all the culminated hatred, had also changed their perception back to positive since they had also greatly helped in the rescue.

It should have diffused the tensions in the city, yet it didn't. A majority of the people had been found, but their condition wasn't something to scoff at.

Investigations took place to find the perpetrators of the crime, but it wasn't going to be this easy. After all, when they had not even been able to find the missing people, how could they find the perpetrators so easily?

Well, it wasn't like all hope was lost since the hope and morale of people were at an all-time high before news of the tortures circulated amongst the common populace as they shunned the unknown perpetrators.

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