

Inside the vegetable shop, which was almost void of customers due to the expensive prices and its futility in filling cultivators' appetites, was Lia, who looked at every vegetable.

She was picking them up one by one and returning them to the shelves, but her focus was not here but rather near the shop in an alley where two people were conversing.

At first sight, it may seem like the two were random passers-by just like many others who were going around the city, living their day-to-day lives, but when looked closely, both of the people had a slight mark on their wrists.

The mark was very tiny and invisible to faraway people, but the two of them easily recognized each other due to this mostly invisible mark, which only appeared when they were near each other.

The mark was of a tiny, small flower that looked like yellow oleander petals with a twisted, thorny vine-like rose, highlighting the oleander's poisonous nature.

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