
We're Starting A Gang War

Turns out… They would really fight for food…

"Anyone who participates would get an upfront payment of these cookies baked personally by our dearest Captain herself! So who is willing?!"


"Sign me up!"

"Me too!!"

"For the cookies!!"

Seriously… You guys need higher standards… You're really willing to risk your lives for cookies?

Then again… Now that I think about it… These people were recently converted from being drug addicts so they were already willing to risk their lives for food… This isn't anything new to them.

Just saying, it's not just like a group of five or ten Mercs gathered here agreeing to this call… I'm seeing like at least a hundred or so Mercs in the Guild room right now with all of them agreeing to the call to arms.

And this hundred or so Mercs were apparently just the first group that answered the call and they were planning for more people to join us later.

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