
Strategic Win

( The next day, Terra Nova Online, Luke's POV )

Early morning, the next day, Luke heard the unmistakable sound of rhythmic war drums ringing in the distance almost as soon as he logged into the game.

*Dhum* *Dhum* *Dhum*

*Dhum* *Dhum* *Dhum*

The rhythmic pounding echoed through the valley, each beat progressively growing louder as the demon army slowly approached the Stonebridge Hill.

"All men ready!!!"

"Battle positions! The enemy is on the march! Battle positions!"

The team captains and battlefield coordinators within the DarkSky guild began shouting orders, fulfilling their duty as they readied the men to face the incoming wave of attack.

From his vantage point atop the hill, Luke surveyed the battlefield, his eyes narrowing as he took in the scene unfolding before him.

The demon army stretched across the horizon, looking like a dark and writhing mass that seemed to swallow the landscape.

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