
Bad News

( The Emperor Julien D Evanus's POV )

The past two months had not been kind to the Emperor Julien D Evanus.

They were arguably the most turmoil-filled months of his life, as he had never been as sleep deprived and over-worked over the past few decades as he had been in the last two months.

Bad news just kept pouring from all sides, as every single region in his Empire faced some sort of problem.

The North had always been the main battlefront against the demons, it was a harsh winterland that was constantly at war against the demon king's main forces.

However, the North was no longer the only Battlefront against the demons anymore as the East and West also saw demons making headway.

100 square kilometers of the Empire's land had been overrun by demons so far on both sides and the war showed no signs of slowing down.

The demon problem was to stay and it would most likely be years before the Demon war reached its conclusion.

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