
Marriage Proposal?

After the curfew was lifted, the palace was flooded with guests contaminating the crime scene and curiously snooping around, as just like the Royal Guard Captain Marcus feared, once the curfew was lifted, all the clues related to the crime were potentially lost.

The worse natured noble guests, began venting and scolding Royal Guards for having to face such inconvenience and demanded explanations, while the curious one's began probing for answers, trying to figure out what just went down.

Very soon, news about the Royal Counselor's brutal murder and the escape of the killer who was presumed to be Ben Faulkner spread within the noble circles, causing unnecessary fear to spread amongst nobles.

"So not even the Royal Palace is safe anymore? Just where can we run for safety if the Emperor's own home isn't safe?"

"20 years later, if Ben Faulkner can still waltz in and out of this palace with ease, then did we even learn from our mistakes at all?"

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