
The Workshop

"Those automated turrets are what we call Phalanx Defenders." the advisor explained. "They can target and neutralize low-tier zombies easily..."

Shane nodded, impressed by the Shelter's defenses. "Your technology is remarkable. It's a perfect blend of mechanical engineering and magical enhancements."

He said this as he confirmed that the Ballistae they were using were also emitting some sort of energy, quite similar to Spiritual Force. It was quite intriguing. Nonetheless, he knew that these weapons were their precious items and could not shared with him easily, so he decided not to ask too much, as they might think that he was interested in finding the secret of their Shelter's defense.

The security of their Shelter could not be compromised after all since many lives depend on it.

The advisor nodded. "Indeed. We've worked hard to ensure the safety of our people. Now, let's watch how our defenses handle this horde."

Next chapter