
Being Led To His Death

Austin's mind raced with various thoughts as to why he was told to follow. 

Despite the beautiful woman telling him not to worry, how could he not worry? Asking a Mortal not to worry after offending a God was downright a blonde-haired maneuver.

'Hehehe, blonde-haired maneuver…' Austin silently chuckled at his joke before stopping, realizing that he was incorrect. The beautiful woman had silver hair… not blonde.

After exiting the room, Austin saw the old man, possibly waiting for him, with his back turned and hands behind his back. Just as Austin opened his mouth to ask why he was asked to follow, the old man took a step down the dimly lit corridor.


"..." Austin sighed, shrugged, and then decided to follow him down the corridor. What was to come would come eventually. The inevitable was unchangeable. He knew the cold-hard truth regarding fate. 

Fate was a bitch - a fickle bitch.

His life… the life he previously lived was a great example. He was born in poverty and destined for a short life. However, unexpectedly when he lost all hope he was adopted by a wealthy family and allowed to enjoy what he lacked for twelve years. Yet his life came to an even earlier premature death, stabbed and left to bleed out.

Even after death, there was only darkness.

'What happened to "there is light after darkness"? Who was the person who said that? … I, who experienced darkness in life and after death, would like to speak with you.'

'The irony' Austin mused, at his poor attempt at a joke. Light after darkness was a cruel joke to him. For he knew after darkness… there was only more darkness. Darkness was ever-present, eternal… darkness always prevailed.

While Austin mused, his legs continued to move down the corridor, following the old man.

Austin smiled bitterly; the solemn atmosphere was getting increasingly stronger with each step and it could now practically be felt. 

The corridor which was originally dimly lit was now dark. Though unlike the darkness he was entrapped in before, this time he could barely make out the silhouette of the old man.

'Am I being led to my death? But then again… I'm dead… Can a dead person die?' Thoughts regarding the enigma that was life, death, and the afterlife lingered in his mind as they eventually reached a set of double doors at the end of the corridor. 

Austin gulped nervously.

'Is this where the executions are held?' 

Not caring about the young man's inner turmoil, Ulric opened the door and then stepped inside.

Austin braced himself for the worst. Worst case scenario, he dies again or finds himself in that dark place. He perfectly managed before so why couldn't he do it again? 

However, to his surprise, he found himself in a study room.

The room was small, yet elegant. It contained everything that a study room needed: a bookshelf… with tons of books, a mahogany table, two chairs, pens, documents, and even a paper shredder. On the ceiling hung a golden, diamond-encrusted chandelier which perfectly illuminated the room. The light was not too bright nor too dark, just perfect for the eyes.

Ulric, with his hands still behind his back, walked to the front of the table and then calmly sat down on the chair. After sitting down, he made a gesture with his hand, indicating for the young man to sit down as well. Understanding what he meant, Austin sat in the chair in front of him.

An awkward silence ensued for a short moment as the young man and the old man stared at each other before it was broken by a cough.


Ulric coughed to diffuse the awkwardness and then proceeded to speak.

"I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you are dead." Ulric said bluntly, catching Austin off guard.

Austin raised a brow, surprised, not expecting those to be the first words from the old man.

"Uh…" He faltered, not knowing how to respond. The news of his death wasn't exactly surprising. If anything, if the old man said he was still alive, then it would have been quite a shocking revelation. 

'... Although I still feel very much alive.' Austin was confused by the enigma that was the afterlife. He could still see, feel, smell, hear, and taste. His senses were even sharper than they used to be…

'Well… I still can't smell my body odor…Though that might be for the better.'

While lost in thought, a soft click followed by a creak interrupted him.

Confused, Austin looked over his shoulder and saw a brown-haired woman in her late twenties garbed in a maid outfit entering through the now-opened doors with a tray of intricately designed cups.

The maid gracefully walked over to the table, bowed her head, and deferentially spoke "Lord". With deft hands, she placed the cups of coffee on the table, before bowing her head once more, and then left after closing the door followed by a click of the lock.

During the entire time, Austin watched in silence, being served by a maid, still flustered him. He wasn't used to being served and spoken to respectfully even after living with the Smiths, who had a live-in maid who did the laundry, cleaning, ironing, and other household chores for them.

"Have a taste." Ulric exclaimed breaking the silence, without waiting for the young man's response, he reached his hand out, firmly grasped the cup of coffee, brought it to his nose, and then took a whiff, immediately he grimaced.

Hesitantly, he brought it to his lips, took a small sip and once more his face twisted in mild disgust.

"Mortal coffee just isn't the same." Though he said that, he lifted the cup once more and took another sip.

Austin smiled wryly at the old man's words.

'Of course, a God would not enjoy the delicacies created by us Mortals.' Austin mused, half-jokingly and half in seriousness. He then lifted the cup and gave the coffee a whiff, which immediately caused him to stiffen

Volume 1 is almost finished. Hang on dear readers.

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