
Imperial Military and...

Starfort Lycurgos, Rylon Star System, Alaric Star Domain, Ruusor Star Sector, Frontier Star Segment, Chronus Expanse

After finishing the cultivation season within the premises of the Dojo of Grandmaster Byrmellir, he went to the Office of the Imperial Military according to the Conscription Order of the Imperial Military of the Eternal Empire of the Asurya.

When he arrived at the Office of the Imperial Military, he went to the Office of the recruiter. The entire registration process wasn't something overly complicated, and after submitting his signature to several documents, he was officially conscripted into the Imperial Military. 

When the registration was complete, Arcturus also received the next set of orders from the Imperial Military. Due to his special situation as he owned a very good spaceship and a whole bunch of advanced Battle Droids, he was given the order to remain on standby.

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