
Chapter 195- Ghost Spear Technique (Part 1)

Chapter 195- Ghost Spear Technique (Part 1)

Without hesitating, Talon pushed the accelerator even harder as he changed gears the moment he left the park. The engine roared loudly as if it were a monster of its own. On the street, he quickly drifted to the side, going deeper into the city.

Meanwhile, outside, monsters chased after him ruthlessly. The sound of their claws slashing the outside of the car was loud. Each hit would push the car to the side, almost making it tilt. They would vanish and pop-up everywhere, trying to somehow pierce the defense of the vehicle.

Hyun-Jae grabbed into whatever she could for balance. The car kept tilting left and right endlessly as the attacks grew more violent. The car naturally couldn't outrun the Shadow Crawlers especially when they could easily get into its shadow and 

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