
The Warm Welcome

"Why every time she returns to the City, there are more people following her? What is she doing inside that abandoned manor of hers?"

"Look! Unlike the last time, these are just young children. But what is she going to do with these kids?"

"What else could she do? Since those with sane minds have refused to follow her ridiculous orders, she's now trying to bully these poor kids."

Loud gasps were heard in response to the last statement and everyone's gaze turned hostile as they watched Chen Xiang Ling's carriage passing through the main market street.

"I can't help but feel pity for the County Magistrate and his family. Who knows why heaven punished them in such a way."

Inside the carriage, Xiang Ling was sitting with her eyes closed and a calm expression decorated her face. She didn't appear the least bit fazed after listening to the harsh words of the citizens that her enhanced hearing picked up quickly.

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