
The Lords Of The Profane

Making our way towards the inner circles, the horde of mindless imps kept growing thicker. Avoiding them the best we could, Rin, Senya, and I made our way toward Senya's home or at least what used to be her home. She'd foreshadowed that the place would be in bloody shambles, and infested with rogues thicker than a swarm of locusts.

"Just across this river…" Walking into a river flowing with blood, Senya beckoned us closer to follow behind her.

With no hesitation at all, Rin dipped her toes into the blood and eventually her entire lower body. Had it just been blood, perhaps I wouldn't have been so reluctant, but flowing with chunks of flesh, the river was full of corpses.

"Fuck me…" Holding the chalice above my head, I forced myself to dip myself in as well. 


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