
Queen Of Hell 2

"I am now the Queen of Hell"

When the Arch Demons heard that, it was as if a blasts of pure and holy energy has been sent their way.

They were mortified and speechless, they were unable to make a proper and constructive sentence.

"Oh, don't just stand there like statues, even I was a little surprise when he offered me that position if I agreed to be his wife" said Lilith smiling while looking at the Arch Demons.

The siblings then all turned to Lucifer waiting for his response.

"I did not offer anyone anything especially not the position of the Queen of Hell, it was all Father" said Lucifer who continued to curse his Father.

"So this is all Father's fault"

"Very much yes, I never intended to make her queen anytime sooner"

"Anytime sooner? You mean you were going to make her Queen of Hell?"

"Pretty much so, I mean she is my first wife and the position is completely reserved for the first wife"

Next chapter