
Titanomachy 6: A Year Later

Mt. Olympus

Lucifer stood at the top of the mountain as he overlooked the entire battlefield from there.

It has been over a year now since the Titanomachy began and things has been going as plans except the Titans have become a little wiser.

Since the capture of Iapetus by the hands of Prometheus and Epimetheus, they have not appeared on the battlefield, only their to supervise and never take part in the battles.

Now today, there is an ongoing clash between the Titan armies and the Daemons as both sides refused to take part for a long time as the gather their strength.

"Sigh, this is getting a little brother" said Lucifer who snapped his fingers and the Titan Armies were all obliterated, he turned to go back to his palace as there was nothing for him to watch anymore.

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