
Giving Perverts the Opportunity

In the memories of their many talks, Crystal could not help but recall when Adam was advising her on what to do.

"Because of our nature in Fate and Destiny, you are in a position where people would profit and gain in your suffering. So, the easiest way to identify these people is to look back to those who have shown disdain or given great sorrow to your family. That person, or even their family, is simply Fated and Destined to hate and attack you."

"...Just like that?'

"Usually, it will be people who have more influence than you. They will profit from the demise of your family and will be constantly plotting against it."

"So what should I do?"

"Kill them. They will forever be there as a thorn in your side that is meant to place sorrow upon sorrow on you."

"That's… it? I'll have to kill them? That's…! That's…"

"Barbaric? You have to kill them. It's the only way."

"I'd get arrested!"

"Kill them in secret." Adam shrugged.

"I'm 18 years old!"

"I know. That's why I kissed you in the first place. I'd never do that to a minor. I'd just eat them right up if they were offered to me."

"Stop eating people! Please!"

"I already ate them! In any case, whoever it is that is harming you will keep hating you until you're dead. Kill them. Usually, Fate and Destiny will play a clever trick on you and raise up others who would carry this hate. But right now, my soul is in you and is masking you from Fate and Destiny. If you kill the immediate people who hate your family, none will rise to take their place."

"Any advice on how to kill them?" Crystal asked.

"Use a sword. Stab it on them."

"I'm being serious! How can I hide my tracks?! I'm not a trained killer."

"Yes. But you have something more. Conflicting elements. Fire and Ice. Kill with the flames and live as an ice mage. No one will expect you. As long as you show forth a power of great fire and great frost, it is impossible to make you look like the suspect. Who in creation had the power to wield a blizzard and the sun at once?"

"But I need to investigate everything! Where would I start?" Crystal asked.

"As I have seen through your memories. Though, even in your memories, these foes of you and your family are quite well-hidden. But since this is the case, I suggest you start with your household. Those servants of yours, your aunts and uncles… They are probably profiting from the demise of your family. Look for one that hates you… That uncle of yours. He seems very antagonistic to you."

"...You're talking of Uncle Paul? He was hurt when the rumors appeared and were cold and distant towards me. I was very sad because he was very fond of me. The dignity of my family was damaged when Arvus Brent broke up with me. I believe there were rumors that I was sleeping around with others. But I can't confirm. I remember Uncle Paul confronting my father."

"Interesting…" Adam chuckled.


"That uncle of yours may have been attracted to you."


"The Curse of the Sorrowful Woman. The one with great beauty will draw anger, envy, and jealousy towards herself. And beyond these things, lust. Your uncle wasn't fond of you. That pervert was lusting after you! His anger at an unfounded claim that you were sleeping around with nobles hurt him because… he wanted to be your first."

"What…!? That's mad!"

"It's easy enough to prove this. Just be around him alone. Show yourself to him in a manner that you are helpless. Give him the ripe opportunity. Returning home from being kidnapped will be perfect for this. Give them the chance and opportunity to have you. If he is who I think he is, he will pounce at you."

Crystal recalled these words, and anger filled Crystal's heart.

The plan was set, and she had already prepared for it. She handed a secret parchment to a servant and gave strict instructions to hand the letter over to Paul Diante.

Paul Dinate was one of the politicians managing the merchant trades and was in charge of maintaining the business trades.

Paul's huge and fat frame sat at his desk and was constantly conversing with various organizations, especially since the collapse and landslides had damaged trade routes.

It was a busy day and will continue to be a busy week due to the collapsing mountains.

A servant approached and handed him a parchment as he was in the middle of negotiations for the new routes.

Paul was in a very sour mood from all the work being done. Then he received the paper and frowned as he opened it up.

"Uncle Paul. This is Crystal. I have escaped my captors, but the Sword Quest mercenary group is hunting me. They want to make me one of their women. Please help me. I will be waiting near your house."

Paul saw the letter, and his eyes widened.

He excused himself from the meeting and followed the servant who handed him the letter.

"Who gave you this letter?"

"It was a veiled woman, my lord. I could not see her face. Nor do I recognize her."

"Hmm… This could be a prank. But I have to ascertain it… Do not speak of this event if you value your life." Paul warned the servant.

He made his excuses, left his businesses to the assistants serving with him, and gave them authority to complete the immediate negotiations.

He left swiftly, and rode Horse Ox Beast, traveling swiftly towards his home.

As an official, he lived in the private residences provided for officials.

His eyes turned everywhere, and he could not find anyone until he reached the footpath leading to his house.

Then he saw her. Hidden in the bushes, a cloaked figure appeared.

The figure removed her cloak and showed her face.

"Uncle Paul…" The poor woman cried.

"Crystal! You really are alive!"

"Please help!" She cried.

"Be quiet! Let's go inside." Paul ordered as he hastened to unlock the doors to his house.

He turned and gazed back to confirm that no one was around.

As Crystal entered, Paul's expression turned into a greedy smile, and his eyes widened.

A chance that would never happen had presented itself!

Crystal, on the other hand, was ready. The ice and fire in her immaterial body was swirling.

"Uncle... I hope you're not what Adam thinks. But if you are, I'm going to cook you like a pig..." With the fire in her being amplified, the anger of Crystal rose.

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