
Fate and Destiny

Crystal felt like she was in heaven.

Her cold body held on to the comfort and embrace of something warm, which she always felt missing.

She always felt alone.

"Why… was I so sad…?" She muttered out loud as her eyes opened.

She instantly saw the gold eyes of a man.

She wanted to shout and panic but realized that she was too weak.

"Calm down. It's just me."

"Y...you? It wasn't… a dream…? I was raped by a dragon?"

"I…! I didn't rape you! I was going to eat you! But since your life was nothing but pain and discomfort, I made you drink my poison to allow you the taste of euphoria!" Adam corrected. It was a huge attack on his pride.

The memories were slowly returning.

At once, she blushed and turned to the side, not wanting to gaze at Adam.

Adam remained quiet.

"Why… are you so close to me now?"

"I've been pushing myself up before. I, too, need to rest. Especially since I need to gather enough energy to get us out of here."

Crystal was turning red.

"What?" Adam asked.

"Your… poison… what exactly is it? I've never heard of stories or legends of dragons being… seductive creatures."

"The Primes are different from the Monsters of Antiquity."

"Ummm… What's a Prime?"

Adam stared at her.

"Please… If you talk, I can get my mind off your… poison."

Adam sighed.

"The dragons and monsters that you call Monsters of Antiquity are perhaps offspring of the Primes. And all Dragon Primes were born in unique scenarios. We all wield different power."

"So… you were born in Eden?" Crystal recalled.

"I was born through the Devil of Lust."

"Oh… So this is why… I feel this way." Crystal could not believe the words she had stated. She turned red again. Her shyness and composure were being driven by her lust to say daring and almost embarrassing things.

Adam didn't mind her.

The two were silent for a while. Crystal's heart was pounding and pounding. Her ice power was too weak to make her feel calm.

"You were going to eat me, right?" Crystal spoke to remind herself and keep her mind from making odd imaginations.

"I'm just a prey to you, right?" Crystal asked.

"Yes," Adam answered.

"So why… did you save me?"

Adam didn't answer.

"What did you mean when you said… I looked so vulnerable?" Crystal asked again.

Adam kept silent and even ignored her eyes.

"Don't you understand how frustrating this is?! If I am a prey, why didn't you eat me?! If I am not worth your glance, why did you save me and give me your soul?!" Crystal couldn't take it anymore and tried to gather her strength to kiss Adam.

"Calm down!" Adam shouted.

"How can I be so calm?! You have your lips in front of me!"

She pushed her head upwards, but Adam lunged down and held her fast in an embrace.

His head pushed down to the side of Crystal's head, and with his arm, he locked Crystal's head to prevent it from turning to the side.

Though the tight hug of Adam hid his lips from Crystal, the scent and strong only made her emotions grow agitated.

"Won't you just… Please! Have your way-" Crystal pleaded.

"My mother was the devil, but my father was a passing wanderer. A mighty wanderer who toyed with all the gods and devils of this world." Adam began.

There was something melodious and powerful in his voice that, though Crystal's lust was intense, she listened.

"A being of Eternity that not even the forces that govern Fate and Destiny could control. He took my mother and had his way with her."

Adam's words drew curiosity to Crystal. A strange power was now causing Crystal to be still.

"She was raped?" Crystal asked.

"Raped? It's more like… she was reformed."

"Reformed? Rape is rape!" Crystal was disgusted.

"Big words for someone pleading with me to have my way with you…"

"You…! But your poison!" Crystal blushed red.

Adam smiled.

"Even if she was raped, do not pity my mother. She is the very manifestation of lust. She would toy with gods and devils and even mortals, drinking in the satisfaction of her lust. But she couldn't bear a child. When the Wanderer arrived, my mother wanted him. She was driven by a lust like no other she had felt before. And so, she forced herself on him. To be accurate, she raped him."

Crystal was horrified. What kind of a love story was this?

"Well, at least my mom thought this. You see, though the Wander saw her as a being he could easily kill, he allowed her to do this. After that, the impossible occurred."

"She became pregnant!"

"Yes. She named me Lucifer. For I would be a being of perfect beauty. But my father, the Wanderer, named me Adam. For I would be the first. I didn't understand what he meant… Nor will I ever." Adam fell silent then after he was reminded of his father.

"Did your father… leave?"

"Yes. My mother bore me alone. And that's when the trouble began. Both you and I have this similarity. We are both entities that Phatom hates."

"Phatom? Who is that?"

"The twin offspring of the one prior to this world. They are the beings that control Fate and Destiny. Two persons as one god. A Duality. They both exist separately but pursue one purpose and task. To control the lives of everything under the gods. Even devils are affected by their power."

"Fate and Destiny? They are gods? I thought that they were just vague concepts that speak of the will of the gods!"

"No, they are very powerful gods. Some gods are even controlled by them. Even my mother was under their influence until the Wanderer came."

"But… what do you mean that these two… why does Phatom hate me?" Crystal asked.

"Because you are an Ice Soul Maiden," Adam revealed.

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