
The Medical Association

"Dr. Yang. What do you have to say?"

Mingshen arched his brow at one of the senior doctors before him, Dr. Duan. He was one of the most renowned neurosurgeons in China and held quite some authority in the Medical Association where Mingshen was right now.

"I can see your veins popping on your forehead, Dr. Duan. Have you taken your blood pressure pills?"

The air fell grim and silent.

"Dr. Yang, we are gathered here for a very serious matter."

He yawned. "Good."

"You do realize that you are the subject of that discussion, right?"

"I am always the main star of any discussion," he smiled.

"I am afraid it's not in a positive light."

"Positive doesn't suit me anyway."

Dr. Luo gritted his teeth. "You unethically operated on a teenager kid! Do you know how bad of a reputation that will cause our profession?"

"No clue," he acted ignorant.

"This is not the time to be sarcastic, Dr. Yang. She could have died."

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