
Peaceful...or Not!

"Are you ready?" A middle-aged man was sitting on an emergency exit while putting out his smoke. 

"Yes, sir." Several people were standing in front of him, fully armed. 

"What we will do today will be condemned, but our target remains the same. According to our information, the mule is inside the mall today. Find that bastard and kill him before the police arrive." 

Meanwhile, Kanaria and Clovis were enjoying themselves inside the mall. 

They had been hopping from one store to another. At first, it was about restocking their supplies for the next exploration, but it soon changed to normal shopping.

"What do you think?" Kanaria was trying new clothes: a light brown sweatshirt and plaid skirt. She tried on a lot of clothes that suited her. 

Kanaria wanted to know Clovis's reaction to the clothes. At the same time, she also started dragging Clovis to a clothing store for men. 

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