

My sword flashed as I brought my sword up and slammed it against her armored leg. As I did, my sword did not bite into her leg, instead it just harmlessly dented her armor. 

Freya's leg did not even move as she brought her head over towards me. "That weapon you carry with you is strong… BUT YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO USE IT! LET ME TAKE IT FROM YOU!!!"

Her jaws descended towards me fast and I rolled to the side just in time to see her dig her jaws into the ground. Strangely enough, she ate the rock and then turned her head towards me.

Her throat turned orange and I heard something bubbling in her throat. I realized almost too late what was about to happen. 

As I dashed to the side, Freya followed my movements and then spat a glob of molten lava towards me. I felt my Mana formed hair getting burnt as the lava landed beside me with a fury.

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