
What Are You Doing?

As we got nearer to them, I yelled out to them. "Hey, my name is Travis, we want to talk."

The man with red hair stepped close to me and offered his hand. I grabbed it, and we shook. He smiled nicely. "My name is Bill. My friend here is Jim." 

As he let go of my hand, he looked towards Jim and winked.

I sighed. "So you boys wouldn't be thinking about killing us, would you?"

Bill looked hurt. "Now why would I do that?"

Bill drew his sword with an evil grin and he ran directly towards me. 

My sword flashed, separating his head from his shoulders in a spray of glowing red liquid Mana. Jim also drew his sword. And even as he was beginning to look terrified, my blade flashed over his neck too. 

Both of their bodies exploded harmlessly. Bill had red Mana and Joe had pink Mana. The Mana explosions pushed me to the ground with disgusting Mana that seeped and flowed from my body back towards their own bodies.

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