
Chapter 64: The Forge

The sun rose on the horizon, streaming through the window of our room, feeling its warmth directly on my face, I furrowed my brow, trying to shield myself from the sun with my hand. I slowly open my eyes, my body feeling very relaxed right now, just like my mind, sleeping deeply feels really good, I think this is my favorite part.

Getting up slowly, I sit on my bed stretching my limbs, shaking off the laziness. After a few minutes, I head to the bathroom to brush my teeth and splash water on my face. Coming out of the bathroom, I find Elsa already awake, standing in front of the bathroom door.

"Good morning, Elsa, how did you wake up?" I ask.

"I'm still a little sleepy and tired from yesterday, but I can manage," she says, shrugging and heading straight into the bathroom.

I spend a few hours where we have breakfast and rest a bit. Looking out the window, I inform Elsa, "We need to go shopping."

"Shopping?" she asks with interest in her voice.

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