
Final bruh



Watching Sasuke die, Sukuna whistled while waiting for Madara to enter 6 paths mode

Why didn't he fight Obito?

Well, first of all, they will defeat him anyway

And he will still be convinced and will take the side of the alliance

So it's useless to fight him

Well, also because he is busy with something

On the other hand, the death of Sasuke and Naruto

Sukuna is not worried because the Sage of the 6 Paths will resurrect them and even if Sukuna has Yin chakra, the Sage of the Six Paths finds a way out, perhaps Sukuna will have to share Kurama's Yin chakra,Naruto still needs 9 tails


Sakura and Gaara arrived to Minato and Kakashi wanting to find out where the other half of the Nine-Tails was

Before sealing Kurama suggested this but they don't know where the second part of the nine tails was

Wanting to find out from Minato, it was he who sealed the nine-tails and perhaps he knows where the second part is

But due to certain circumstances, they arrived a little later, just before Madara's arrival.

Then everything went according to canon Obito pretended that he wanted to give the Rinnegan to Madara but attacked him and pulled out part of the chakra of the nine-tails and four-tails

The nine-tails' chakra was less due to the fact that the gold and silver brothers did not have much nine-tails' chakra.

Plus Madara still has some of it

But that was enough


Kakashi and Obito stood next to each other waiting for Madara to act before Madara attacked them and they used Kamui

'Clap' 'Clap' 'Clap'

-Apparently the time has come for my triumph

The group looked towards the sound

And they saw a man with scarlet hair, the upper body was naked. A wooden mask with two eyes covered his right eye and forehead

There was a pair of eyes on the left side of the face

The man's chest and shoulders were covered with tattoos in the form of lines and squares

But the strangest thing was that he had four arms

At the moment he was standing not far from the group and cracking his knuckles

-It's you. You've changed a lot

Madara recognized Sukuna by chakra

Sukuna looked at Obito and spoke.

-Hey lostie, you should go with your friends away from here.

Sukuna didn't pay any further attention to them.

Sukuna turned to Madara and grinned.

-Well, let's dance

Sukuna entered nine-tails chakra mode

Unlike Naruto's nine-tails chakra mode, Sukuna's nine-tails chakra mode was lighter and the black lines on the coat were thinner as well as their number

Many were surprised that Sukuna had Kurama's Chakra besides Madara because he had already sensed Kurama's chakra

-Hmm, let's see what you can offer.

A bayonet appeared on Madara's hand and he appeared in front of Sukuna about to pierce him.

But before he could he was grabbed by the shoulders

And two other hands grabbed his hands


Madara broke free and then retreated but

A second later, Madara's hands were cut into neat pieces

But it did not spread to the chest and the rest of the body.

-Apparently Cleаve needs more time for this

Madara has regenerated

-Strange attack

Sukuna didn't answer but waved his hands

A huge net from Dismantle flew to Madara

But the part that was aimed at Madara was not able to move further and disappeared

-Limb was able to block Dismantle?

Sukuna was not very surprised, after all, the limb was in another dimension and it can only be delayed but not removed

Sukuna smiled and then another pair of hands from Kurama's chakra appeared from his back.

Sukuna circled around Sukuna at great speed sending Seti from Dismantle

Limb blocked but couldn't keep up with everyone, but Madara didn't stand like a pillar and dodged

Madara extended his hand and shot purple lightning towards Sukuna

But Sukuna dodged and continued sending Dismantle

He calculated where the limb was approximately, because without the Rinneganu and the chakra of the six paths he would not be able to see it

Sending Dismantle, he observed exactly where and in what order the attacks were blocked

And also at the same time dodged Madara's attack


Sukuna sped up and appeared in front of Limbo before slamming the surrounding ground with his four hands.

From the place of his hands, seals spread and sealed the space

This could temporarily stop the limbo

Sukuna smiled and appeared in front of Madara and punched him with both left hands

With his right hands he grabbed Madara by the shoulder and chest

After which he continued to hit with his left hands

But Madara spat out a thin purple light like a blade and cut part of Sukuna

But he quickly regenerated

After which he grabbed Madara with his left hand

Sukuna threw Madara into the divine tree

After which dark round clots appeared on his hands

The clots took the shape of a ball and rings appeared around them

But this time there were more rings

This is the Four Great Spiral Ring

Sukuna began to squeeze the chakra together, controlling the chakra so that it would not explode during this process.

After this, a 5-meter dark ball with the rings of Saturn appeared

But this is not the end: cuts appeared on the rings, but they did not harm the rings, but rather fit together into one whole

Smaller balls of fire appeared around the Ball

The result was a huge ball surrounded by ring-shaped cuts. And also two small suns revolving around him

The process sounds long but it happened within three seconds

During this, hands from Kurama's chakra sent fire arrows and Dismantle at Madara

Sukuna smiled and then appeared in front of Madara and hit him... well with this mixture of techniques

The cuts began to cut Madara's body and then pressed him to the tree

Then the ball exploded

Huge gusts of air scattered in all directions mixed with cuts and fire

The huge tree began to fall

There were cuts all over the area around the tree.

The roots of the tree were burned or blown away by the wind

A huge amount of dust flew in all directions, covering Minato, Kakashi and others

When the dust settled, there was a huge crater in place of the roots of the tree.

The tree trunk itself was badly damaged

Most of the tree's base has been resolved

Above the beginning of the tree, the entire trunk was covered with cuts.


The tree began to be sucked in in one place

Madara was there, badly injured.

His entire body was covered in burns, which contrasted with his pale skin.

His arms sagged weakly

The area near the chest was practically torn to pieces but held on to regeneration and was slowly recovering

Most of Madara's hair was burned off and he was practically bald.

Deep cuts spread across the rest of his limbs

It was almost a miracle that the eyes were not damaged

And all thanks to the barely timely limbo

Madara was very early but still slowly recovered

By this time Naruto and Sasuke had already arrived


Madara recovered quite quickly

Madara grinned and then laughed

After which he began to say something about an ideal world and something else

Well, at least he activated the infinite Tsukiyomi

Sukuna appeared near Team 7

Just when Sasuke covered them with Susanoo


Sasuke looked at Sukuna

-Who are you

Naruto and the rest of Team 7 took notice of him.

-Hm? Don't recognize me?


-Well, anyway, I lived inside you for a while.

-A! It's you guy who killed Haku

-Hey, what can I do?

-Where do you get the nine tails chakra from?

Kakashi asked a very important question

-Hmm, why should I explain to you? Well, at least I made an oath to your father

Sukuna pointed at Naruto

-Eh? Mine?

- Yes, idiot, in exchange for something I will help you, that's why I'm here right now, in any case, I didn't receive chakra from him. I summoned the Shinigami and then killed him and then got the second half of Kurama. Or rather Yin Kurama, He entered voluntarily


After a few more questions, Sasuke removed his Susanoo.

There they saw Madara

And also the roots on which the cocoons had fun with people

-Done, now there will finally be a world without war, No one will be unhappy anymore

Before he could finish his speech, he was pierced by a black zetsu.

-What you

Team 7 was also stunned

But Sukuna appeared in front of Madara and black zetsu and snatched two eyes

After which he retreated

At this point, Madara's body was already inflated

At this time, Black Zetsu was already stunned

-What? Did you think I would do anything? I won't be able to kill him instantly but at least I can do it

Black Zetsu grinned

-It's still useless

Madara's body had already been absorbed and a woman with white hair appeared in front of everyone.

She opened her eyes

-All these 1000 years I have strived for only one thing: to resurrect my mother. The whole story of the ninja is the story of the Resurrection of My Mother

Black Zetsu began to explain

Sukuna has already retreated further away

After which he tore out his eyes and replaced them with Rinnengans and, using the reverse cursed technique, quickly assimilated with them

Sukuna rolled his eyes in different directions

-This is not usual

After which he appeared near team 7

And then everything changed

They started to fall

There was lava everywhere

Sukuna noticed that Kakashi and Sakura were fine

Then he frowned and looked at Kaguya.

Sukuna himself is already...in the lava

But there was a difference above his head, as if the halo was a wheel

Why wasn't Sukuna present during the battle with Obito and the Ten-Tails?

All because of this

He fought against Mahoraga

And then I observed various elemental techniques to get adaptation to them.

Well...Sukuna swam towards Kaguya

-Meh why i can't fly?

Sukuna dived and reached the bottom

There he reached the approximate place

Then he pushed off from the bottom with his feet and flew up like a bullet.

Kaguya was right above him

Kaguya flew after being hit by Naruto after the Bunny Boys technique also created by Naruto™

Sukuna smiled and then grabbed Kaguya with both hands and with the other two began to beat her using something similar to a "Black flash" except that it was blue due to chakra

Sukuna pushed away from Kaguya's body while dodging the bones

Despite the fact that he could dodge, he did not have much mobility, so he could not dodge and ended up in another dimension through a portal

Sukuna recognized this dimension

Because at the moment it is difficult for him to move

This is a dimension with increased gravity

-Tch i can't travel through dimensions

Sukuna began to wait and also he received adaptation to gravity

-I need it at the right time


Finally the whole crowd got here

Kaguya started aiming at Naruto and Sasuke and then shot but missed when she shot a second time Obito and Kakashi ran so that these bones would not hit Naruto and Sasuke

And then

-Domain Expancion: Malevolent Shrine

A strange darkness has covered the dimension

If you look in the direction of the voice, you could see Sukuna

He was about 100 meters away from them and behind him stood an ominous temple

And then

An incredible number of cuts covered Kaguya

All the cuts focused solely on her

They couldn't hurt her

But with time

They began to accumulate and when they hit the same place they began to cause damage

Kaguya quickly changed the measurement to measuring the roots

When changing the dimension, she tried to move Sukuna as far away as possible

Then everything went approximately according to the plot, but instead of Kakashi, Susanoo used Obito

And when a huge white ball of chakra from different tailed creatures appeared

A huge Blue armored Susanoo has arrived


Not Susanoo

The Nine-Tails are covered in Susanoo Armor

The nine-tails also had 4 arms

He attacked the ball with his fists and then it began to shake violently

The yet unformed truth-seeking ball was still powerful and it threw Sukuna and the others away

But Sukuna was closer and he flew further

Kaguya was injured and was not slowed down

And then Naruto Sasuke and Sakura attacked Kaguya together

This time, Kaguya was unable to use her bones to defend herself due to being weakened by the explosion, аnd losing so much energy

Finally it was sealed




Naruto and Sasuke were currently fighting against each other.

And Sukuna was not far away

Truth in a new body

It was Madara's body

Before Kaguya was sealed she spat out Madara's body.

Which Sukhna took for himself

In the end, little will change except that Obito survived


When the battle was over, Sukuna approached them

-Well, you're tore off each other's hands and are now happy, right?


Finally the endless Tsukiyemi was stopped and so was the war.


What happened to Sukuna? No one could find him

But they remembered him

But you'll still see him


End of chapter

I finally finished this

It's 11 pm now

Do you know when I started?

7 p.m

I wrote for four hours!

I hope you will enjoy

If there are mistakes, ill correct them

Well, I think it's not bad for my first story

Although there is zero plot :P

Oh yea there 10.496 symbols

Edited: ah yes and story with alchemist in naruto is win

Мысли автора: блять как мне это написать

Мне же надо придумать какие-то травы какие-то навыки какие-то зелья так ещё и сюжет боже нахуя я взялся за все это

Ну вот надо мне все это

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