
Chapter 167

But thankfully his year at school wasn't always all studies and no play. Over the year he had gained a sort of name for himself, 'The Nephilim,' which basically meant people called him a half-angel and half-demon.

This was because of the two different ways people thought of him. Usually he acted like an angel from heaven, kind to teachers, helpful to fellow classmates and all around nice guy, but piss him off….

One time the P.E. teacher picked on a fat kid in Percy's class and called him names basically scaring the boy for life. Percy didn't like that. He snuck into the teachers room that night and stole every single pair of underwear the man had and burnt them all. He then replaced the underwear with ones that was filled with itching powder and for weeks the teacher didn't know why his privates kept itching.

But Percy wasn't done there, not by a long shot. He also burnt the man's Playboy collection and covered his sheets with poop he got from Leo. And to finish it all off he snuck into his room again and shaved his head clean.

The teacher quit the next day.

And so the rumours began, piss Percy Jackson off and you will see hell. But that teacher wasn't the only person Percy targeted. There was this 9th grader that tried to bully Percy, tried being the key word. After kicking his ass publicly Percy then threw him into the school's bio dump. The bully smelt like degrading plants for days.

At the end of the academic year Percy found himself in his dorm room with his roommate, Chad. Chad was oriental looking and loved anime, almost to the point of obsession. Along the year Percy was forced to watch several shows that the guy likes and even though they were strange at first h grew to like them.

"So you going to the fair?" Chad asked looking up from his manga.

"Yeah, Nancy invited me," Percy responded as he packed away the last of his clothes inside his suitcase.

"Ohh Nancy huh," Chad asked wiggling his eyebrows.

"Shut up," Percy said throwing a pillow at the boy who laughed it off.

"You two should just kiss and get it over with. All that tension is going to-"

"There is no tension thank you very much!" Percy yelled as his face started to heat up, "we are just good friends!"

"Sure man, whatever you say," Chad said waving Percy off.

The demigod scuffed and walked out of their room, "wear a condom!" Chad shouted behind as Percy slammed the door shut. Percy sighed, Chad was kind of right in that regard though. No not the condom part, the tension part.

Last year Percy found out Nancy liked him through his Observation skills and that was why he became friends with the girl. But back then he thought she liked him as a friend, but only recently he figured out how she really thought about him. She didn't just like him, she liked him.

Over the year Percy had to pretend he didn't know she liked him in that way. It got super awkward super fast because what exactly was he supposed to do? 'Oh hey Nancy, look I know you have a crush on me but like I'm totally not interested.'

Nancy was sweet and all, and very very cute, but she was mortal, and if Percy started dating her then he would have to explain about him being a demigod and that was another whole can of worms he didn't want to deal with right now.

So he continued to just treat her as a friend. He made sure they were never alone by always inviting someone else to join them in conversations or tutoring classes. He felt like an idiot really, a super cute girl liked him and he was doing his best to friendzone her. Stupid.

Percy walked out of Yancy academy and towards the town next to the school. Inside the small quiet town was a huge carnival set up right next to ocean, and that was where Percy agreed to meet Nancy.

He quickly walked to the carnival and walked in, moving towards the Big Wheel where they agreed to meet. The Carnival was filled with giant machines and games with bright lights set up all over the place. But Percy didn't really care for all of that. He ignored them all and kept moving forward until he reached the Big Wheel.

Nancy wasn't all that hard to find she wore a red skirt and a pink tank top with black heels. Her hair was straightened with freckles visible, but they didn't do anything to reduce her beauty, if anything they enhanced it. She looked at Percy and smiled and the son of Poseidon knew he was way out of his comfort zone right now.

"Right on time Percy," Nancy said with a smile.

"I try," Percy shrugged before looking at the Big Wheel, "you want to go on that first?"

Nancy shock her head, "no,we'll do that later. Right now I'm really hungry."

"Food it is," Percy smiled as he lead her to the food court he passed by. As they walked Nancy slowly came closer to Percy, close enough that the son of Poseidon could feel her body giving off heat. She then quickly grabbed Percy's arm and locked it in place making it impossible for him to escape.

'God damn my arm hurts!' Percy thought to himself as he took her to the food court, 'I have literally had a monster bite into it and even then it didn't hurt this bad!' Sure okay he was exaggerating by Nancy still had a very strong grip on him.

They reached the food court and got a couple of slices of pizza, 1 for Nancy and 3 for Percy. What? He was a growing boy. The two walked around the Carnival eating their food and simply enjoying the sights around them. Percy finished his slices first and even helped NAncy finish the rest of her food, "so where to first?"

Nancy smirked, "that," she pointed to a giant Cranium Shaker. You know that thing where two people are put into a small steel cage that is then used like a bloody sling shoot spinning so fast up is down and right is left? Yeah that thing.

Percy gulped, "s-sure."

Nancy smirked, "you scared?"

"N-no! It's just, that thing looks old," Percy pointed to the rusted parts of the machine, "we could just break off and fly across the sky."

Nancy smirked, "it's okay. I don't think god would be that cruel."

"Well depends on which god," PErcy muttered.


"Nothing, let's just get this over with," Percy sulked the whole way there, something which Nancy found adorable. The line for the Cranium shaker was short, something that pissed Percy off even more. Eventually it was their turn. The small metal carriage they were put into was rusted, badly. Percy was shit scared, he really didn't want this thing to break off.




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