
Chapter 144

"Wouldn't it be amazing if Alecto was still here?" Annabeth commented distracting Percy from his thoughts.

"Wait I'm sorry what? Why?"

"Well you said she animated an entire statue right?" Percy nodded, "and she did it with runes?" another noob "so what I meant was if she was still alive we could convince her to teach us how to do that. Just imagine it all the statues in camp could be called upon to defend it in case another monster army decided to attack."

Percy was stunned at that. Why didn't he ever think of that? He could get Alecto to teach him all she knew. And not just her, Marchosias too! Well the things that won't cost a human soul anyway. He had so much on knowledge available to him and he didn't even realise it!

Percy felt like hitting himself in the head but didn't he didn't want to cause a scene. At around 9 in the night the train reached New York. Outside Percy hailed them a cab and the three got in, "where to?" the white skinned black haired taxi driver asked them through the rear view mirror.

"Oh right," Percy said as he reached into his pocket to take out the piece of paper that Biggie had given him only to find a big hole in his pocket, "shit."

"What happened?" Annabeth asked.

"There is a hole in my pocket, the note must have slipped right out of my pants during my fight with Elsa."

"Don't' worry about it," Clarisse said before turning to the cab driver, "take us to the warehouse district in the Bronx's. We need to be at 100 Neptune Ct, you know where that is?"

"Yup, we'll be there in five minutes," the cab driver said driving away.

"You memorized the address?" Percy asked impressed.

"Yup," Clarisse said. She then noticed Percy's and Annabeth's shocked look, "what? It was important data, in war not remembering things like that can get you killed!"

Annabeth and Percy shared and look before sighing, "that's good," Percy said.

Annabeth nodded continuing, "we were afraid that you were a shapeshifting monster in disguise, last thing we would need is that."

"Hey!" Clarisse cried out.

The taxi took them to the warehouse district in the Bronx and stopped in front of a gated complex inside which was filled with several different warehouses. "All right kidd's end of the line," the cab driver stated.

"Is this the place?" Percy asked as he and the others stepped out of the cab paying the taxi driver.

"Not really, you see that road in there," he said pointing to a road inside the complex traveling parallel to the one they were on , "that's Neptune road. I can't go in because this place here is private land. I assume you kids are going to meet your parents here?"

Annabeth stepped up and waved her hands. Percy could feel the mist bend to her will as she spoke, "you will not ask any more questions. You will go about your day normally and will forget you ever saw us, understood?"

The taxi driver nodded, "understood." He then turned the taxi around and without another look or comment to them drove away into the night leaving the three kids alone.

"Damn," Percy said watching the vanishing tail lights, "I have got to learn how to do that."

"So what's the plan on getting in?" Clarisse asked turning to the high walls.

"Isn't it obvious?" Percy asked as he walked up to the gate, "we go in."

"And how are we going to go in?" Clarisse asked pointing to the locked gate, "it's locked."

Percy nodded and grabbed the lock with his hand, he then challenged some of his Earthquake powers into the lock, just enough to shatter it and leave the rest of the gate unharmed, "now it''s unlocked."

Clarisse whistled, "I have got to learn how to do that."

Percy opened the gate slightly as the three snuck inside the private complex. They stuck to the shadows and before long found themselves in front of the warehouse they were looking for. Percy went next to the main door and held his hand up stopping the other from moving, "I'm going to try something, wait for me to give the all clear."

Annabeth and Clarisse nodded and Percy closed his eyes and thought out, 'Shadow Spying.'

His mana leaped out of his body and went into the shadows inside the warehouse. And just like that Percy could hear something.

"Are you sure they are going to come?" asked a familiar voice which Percy immediately recognized, 'Luke!'

"Yes, I am sure" said a softer masculine voice, "in fact, they are already here."

Percy's eyes shot up in surprise, he turned to Annabeth and Clarisse, "get down!"

Suddenly the walls of the warehouse bursted apart as a giant 12 foot tall human crashed though. Percy and the other moved just in time to avoid getting crushed by the creature and rolled up to see just what caused all this damage.

The creature was human, but the similarities stopped there. It stood 12 feet tall and naked but strangely it had no genitalia or even nipples. It's mouth was wide and it's teeth were blunt. It looked at Percy and slowly it started to drool over itself as it licked it's mouth.

"Guys get up, now!" Percy said as he took out Riptide and the shield of Ares just as this thing came charging at them. It ran like a chicken throwing it's hand up in the air free while it's legs rushed forward.






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