
“I swear I was looking left right left!”

Nick died. It was not because of carelessness, negligence or recklessness, but because God was playing a prank on him.

Tired Nick was on his way to school at that fateful winter morning. When he took the first step on the street, naturally after a mindful look left and right, that hit him.

The infamous truck-kun.

With a speed beyond legal speed limits, truck-kun collided into him, turning him into mincemeat. It was a miracle that no subsequent accidents followed up.

But this was of no concern for Nick. He died. He fucking died right there.

"Yo. I'm God. Nice to meet you."

Nick froze. 'Who was that? God? That kid?' Nick had to blink a few times but somehow couldn't feel his eye yields closing.

The dark space surrounding them gave off a suppressing atmosphere.

"No need to try so hard, man. You don't have a body, so it's physically impossible to blink." The so called god gave Nick an assuring smile.

Nick was about to unload a ton of questions until he realised that he couldn't speak.

God chuckled at that, and put his index finger on his lips while he gave a thumb up with his other hand. "Pssst, calm down here my friend. You don't have a body, forgot? But don't worry, I can read minds."

God recomposed himself and started speaking into a neutral tone.

"Unfortunately, you died. A divine friend disregarded the rules in favour for content and views, and you were a casualty." God paused, took a deep breath and tried to hold back a laugh. "You have to see his video '"Truck-Kun: Transporting 10,000 souls to the other world speed run!"'. It's still funny even after rewatching it a million times."

Nick only frowned mentally.

"Ah yes, and why are you here? It's because I am a responsible god! How can I let a soul, meant to roam the mortal realm for a century more, rot in hell?" God could tell that Nick's anxiety just spiked right now.

"So let's spin the wheel of reincarnation!" A colourful wheel emerged out of thin air and started spinning.

Nick's eyes tracked it rigorously. 

Code Geass- My Hero Academia- Overlord- wheel began to slow down. 

'yesyesyes…' Nick was excited, but his excitement plummeted as he saw the next sections. 'NonoNO!'

Lord of the mysteries… The omniscient reader's viewpoint… Reverend Insanity!

Nick began to panic! Not this hazardous world! It's not- *Nick vanished, leaving a brilliance of light behind.*

God stood satisfied and was about to prepare for the next candidate until he remembered: "Oh my! I forgot to mention that I gifted him a cover from divine influences… it doesn't matter actually. So long as he remains undetected, no god can lay a hand on him ever again. My job is done!"

In Gu Yue Village's Medicine Hall.

In the dimly lit birthing chamber, the air was thick with tension as the midwife guided the young mother through the agonizing sufferage of childbirth. Gu Yue Yao Ji, the the head of the medicine hall, stood at the threshold, her stern gaze fixed on the unfolding drama.

Her daughter's pained cries could be heard from beyond the room, accompanied by murmurs of the attending Gu Masters.

"Reporting to Elder Yao Ji," a solemn voice interrupted the somber atmosphere.

"What is it?" Gu Yue Yao Ji demanded, her eyes narrowing with impatience.

"The child is stuck. It is coming out with its feet first, we have to perform the Caesarean section. We might not be able save both," the Gu Master reported with a grave tone.

Gu Yue Yao Ji's sharp eyes flickered with anxiety and glared with anger at the doctor, even if he had no responsibility for this unfortunate twist.

"Be warned, if you fail to handle it carefully, you won't escape the consequences."

The Gu Masters lowered their heads, enduring the threats of the old woman.

Gu Yue Yao Ji paused. Her hands trembled slightly, showing the internal struggle within her.

Finally she made the final decision. "Perform the Caesarean section."

Gu Yue Yao Ji, burdened by the weight of her choice, stepped outside.

Dark clouds began to gather above Gu Yue Village as the news arrived later that night: The child's birth was a success yet the mother, Gu Yue Yao Ji's daughter, died.

Gu Yue Yao Ji was devastated.

"That child will be my sole inheritor… her name shall be 'Yao Le' then." She gazed into the distance beyond the horizon, as if giving 

Nick found himself faced with an unexpected predicament. 

After a month of being born into this world, he had a clear picture of his circumstances.

He was in Reverend Insanity. In Gu Yue Village. Reincarnated as Gu Yue Yao Le.

At first he had no idea who this was, but the the realisation sank in.

'I am the girl Fang Yuan used to refine the man beast burial gu.' It was horrendous, but another nerve striking fact is that he is now a girl!

'I guess I am a She/Her now…' Nick tried to humor himself.

Yao Le could remain stoic. She knew that it was of no use to reject this fact. Actually she was quite curious about living as a girl.

'Yet in this kind of world, the Gu world, being a girl is a disadvantage…' Yao Le lamented at the fact that her weaker body and societal expectations would obstruct her path to happiness.

'Happiness, huh?' Yao Le questioned herself what her purpose now is. 

Her baby face formed a smile. 'In this world "strength equals happiness" applies more than ever. But… I believe human connection, living virtuously and making a positive change in the world is my meaning of life…'

However, she craved into her mind that she herself comes first, after that all the others. 

How can she help others if she can't even help herself?

Her philosophical reflections came to a halt when a milkmaid entered the room. Yao Le was about to get breastfeed.

'If I overcome that, do I refine Perseverance Gu…?' Her thoughts were washed away as the stream of milk flowed in.

4 years pass in an instant.

Gu Yue Yao Ji was worried about Yao Le.

Her granddaughter was very physically active but refused to study, and it worried Yao Ji a lot.

Although when faced with academic questions, her granddaughter answered them swiftly without effort. And when faced with difficult questions, she would argue that she has no use for knowledge she would only use years later.

Gu Yua Yao Ji accepted her train of thought and fell into a slight trance, "Cultivation is important, but Yao Le ignores studying. She will be strong physically but doesn't care about learning. It is important to make her study, even if it seems useless for her. She has to gain experience with studying."

Remembering wise words about treasures being useless without a good base, Yao Ji got more concerned.

Yao Ji warned the servants looking over Yao Le, "Watch over Yao Le. She's energetic but needs both physical and mental growth. Keep keep her into house arrest. When she finishes studying, she can play outside."

This was both a means of keeping her safe and to make her go study. Yao Le was her most precious thing after all.

The servant nodded, understanding the responsibility. Yao Ji kept worrying, silently hoping that Yao Le has a flawless early development.

Yao Le's annoyance etched across her face as she found herself confined to the home, a subtle frown betraying her dissatisfaction. The plush surroundings, though nice, failed to completely mask the sense of being in trouble, her eyes revealing a quiet protest against the unseen restrictions.

"Why am I stuck here?" she grumbled, the words escaping her lips in a hushed complaint.

Every hassle she did was for the sake of increasing her physical strength. One never knows when this will be a lifesaver.

Chasing butterflies, climbing trees and so much more… all this can be disguised as just a kid playing.

'But this came to an end… well but the art of growing is to take advantage of a setback.' Yao Le tries to keep a positive mindset.

"Let's finish this quickly" Her eye twitches. She's still not accustomed to her childish voice.

Engulfed in the world of pen and paper, she was oblivious of being watched.

The servant glimpsed through the slightly opened door, and confirmed that Yao 

Le was indeed studying.

Gu Yue Yao Ji nodded in satisfaction. "Make sure that she gets a small treat once the sun sets." And with that she returned to deal with paperwork from the Medicine Hall.

Unbeknownst to them, Yao Le was actually designing rough plans on how to act once the big events happen. She won't be as helpless like in the original timeline.

In the next following years Yao Le barely got outside the family estate. 

It is somewhat a shame that she couldn't form connections with children of her age. But then again, she doubted that she could form any form of meaningful connection because of her questionable social skills and the mental age difference.

But differently from her previous life, she was filthy rich.

So what to do when your family has money?

Hire a samura- ehem… hire a tutor, if not, a shit ton of tutors!

She gained approval from her grandmother when she asked for personal tutors and now her schedule is packed with martial arts training, watching gu refinement live and listening to stories from retired gu masters. 

And her grandmother personally brought her to the Medicine Hall to observe how patients are mended back into good condition.

Yao Le is constantly praised by her teachers for her intelligence, which is actually only attributed to her previous life experiences.

"Ah yes everything is going smoothly…" Yao Le remarked as she reflected her life in the passing years.

Yes, everything went smoothly up until… she turned 14. (It's not puberty, although this is another problem worth addressing)

"Shit," Yao Le cursed. Her hair was messy and her desk full of note sheets as she scrambled through them. "I only can enter the Awakening Ceremony this month next year! I thought that I am in the same year as Fang Yuan, but I am a year younger!"

She knew that every year counts as the Qing Mao Mountain incident draws closer.

"I should have investigated more and shouldn't have trusted my memory so faithfully…" A great exhale followed that.

What will she do? Will she accept it or will she be doing something drastic?

Aaaand this is the end of chapter one… hey, I only wrote it because it won’t leave my mind! I write until I am sick of writing, like always. I won’t guarantee stable updates tho~

And why does writing consume so much time (´༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ`)

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