
Being Watched

More than six months had passed since Chen and Mikoto started living together.

During this time, their daily lives had settled into a comfortable and harmonious routine. They shared meals, went to school together, and gradually, their bond had strengthened.

Mikoto, who initially was shy around Chen, had gradually overcome that barrier and now behaved naturally around him.

Occasionally, when Tsunade returned from her missions, she would take Chen and Mikoto to the casino to gamble.

Physically, Chen had grown taller, although his strength and build hadn't changed significantly.

Mikoto, on the other hand, remained the same, but her presence in Chen's life had become invaluable.

While they were having breakfast, Chen proposed an idea that had been on his mind:

"Hey, Mikoto," he said casually, "how about we have a barbecue? Just the two of us, you know, to enjoy nature and all that."

Mikoto's eyes lit up at the suggestion. The idea of spending time alone with Chen in a natural setting filled her with excitement. "I'd love that!" she replied enthusiastically. "We could prepare some special dishes and find a quiet place to enjoy."

Chen smiled, satisfied with Mikoto's response.

However, behind his seemingly innocent proposal, there were ulterior motives. Over the past week, he had noticed a bothersome presence, someone watching him with malice.

He knew it was someone from the Uchiha clan.

Since the incident with Fugaku, Chen had been careful in his actions, avoiding drawing too much attention. This caution had led to people like Hiruzen and Danzo stopping their close watch on him.

However, this spy continued to observe, which didn't concern him, but Mikoto's safety was another matter.

Although they lived in the Hyuga clan's residence, generally considered a safe place, Mikoto's situation was delicate.

The members of the Hyuga clan had not welcomed her with open arms due to her past with the Uchiha clan.

Chen had even considered moving to better protect them, but Mikoto had convinced him otherwise.

"It'll be great to get out of the village for a bit," Chen continued, smiling. "We can relax without worrying about... well, you know, the stares and all that."

Mikoto nodded, understanding the subtext of Chen's words. She had also noticed the distrustful looks and murmurs as she passed. "You're right," she said softly. "It will be nice to have a break from all this."

While she went to prepare, Chen couldn't help but get lost in his thoughts.

After a few minutes, Mikoto, with a radiant smile, finished sealing the last items in a scroll.

"All set! We have everything we need," she exclaimed cheerfully. "We can leave whenever you're ready, Chen."

Chen, who seemed lost in his thoughts, took a moment to respond. "Huh? Oh, yeah... Sure, let's go," he said, blinking.

Mikoto looked at him with concern. She had noticed that Chen seemed distracted lately, as if something weighed on his mind. "Chen... is everything okay? You've been a bit distant these days."

Chen, noticing the concern in Mikoto's voice, tried to smile reassuringly. "It's nothing, Mikoto. I'm just excited about our day together." He gently took her hand. "Come on, let's not waste any more time."

Mikoto, being naturally submissive, didn't press the issue further. If Chen didn't want to talk about it, she would respect his decision. She nodded and squeezed Chen's hand lightly, letting him lead her towards the exit.

As they left, Kaiden watched them with frustration.

He had spent an entire week watching them relentlessly, searching for the perfect opportunity to carry out his mission. But the security of the Hyuga residence and the constant presence of people in the streets of Konoha had thwarted all his attempts.

As Chen and Mikoto headed towards the Konoha forest, Kaiden followed them stealthily, his mind working on a plan to fulfill his objective.

Already at the edge of the forest, Mikoto looked around with some apprehension. "Chen, are you sure it's safe here? The professor said there are huge beasts in this forest, even ninja beasts."

Chen smiled mysteriously. "That's precisely why we chose this place, Mikoto. If we don't come here, how will I catch my prey?"

Mikoto looked at him confused, not fully understanding the meaning of his words.

Chen, however, raised his voice and said, "Are you coming out on your own, or do I have to invite you out?"

Kaiden, hidden among the trees, was surprised. "What? He found me? That's impossible. My concealment technique is very good and undetectable. How can this kid find me?" he said incredulously.

Chen, on the other hand, made a face of disdain. He could clearly hear the Uchiha's words, even from a distance.

To him, Kaiden's concealment technique was like a beacon in the dark, completely useless against his abilities.

"Chen, what are you...?" Mikoto began to ask, but before she could finish, Chen extended his palm towards the direction where Kaiden was hiding.

"Banshō Ten'in!" exclaimed Chen. His Tenseigan shone brightly as he exercised the power of gravity. A force of attraction erupted from his palm, making the trees tremble.

Kaiden felt his body being uncontrollably pulled towards Chen. Shock was reflected on his face, but he quickly recovered. After all, he was an experienced Jōnin.

In an instant, his eyes changed to a Three Tomoe Sharingan. With a fluid movement, he drew a kunai and adjusted his body in the air, using the force of attraction to direct his attack straight at Chen.


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