
Chapter 54: Deep Sea_6

A dragon-headed beast, with a single rhinoceros horn and a body covered in coral, flew out of the sea.

It immediately clamped its jaws onto a black ray eel, which had been inexplicably frozen in place.

And then promptly dragged it into the sea!

Despite being the size of half an island, the ray eel seemed somewhat small beneath this massive jaw.

The ray eel trapped in these giant jaws refused to give up without a struggle, writhing and thrashing wildly.

The sea surface rapidly churned, whipping up tumultuous waves.

The dragon-headed beast rolled with it.

Just a few moments later, a smudge of crimson quickly blossomed in the inky sea...

However, not a single fish dared to approach the vicinity.

The sea surface gradually regained its tranquility.

"Class IV top-grade demonic beast... the Coral Dragon..."

Witnessing this scene, Wang Ba and Qin Lingxiao struggled to calm themselves for a long time.

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