
Sasuke first falling

"Tch" Sasuke uchiha is looking at the screen infront of him in disdain

'as much as i hate it, what it says is right, there is nobody in this village that can make me stronger than him' he remember just how strong his brother is,

He massacred the strongest clan ever in one night, at the age of 15, not even the hokage could do that

The only option he have is relaying on this nameless god, but.....

'Panties? Really?' how strong can a panties be? Even if it's a divine artifact it's still just a panties

[How about this Sasuke, for now, you think about my offer throughly, consider your option and see for yourself

Maybe you think your jonin sensei could make you stronger, if so then it's fine, do whatever you want

But today, when you go back home, you can try the panties for yourself, in a place where nobody can see you,

It's a panties anyway, no one is gonna see it

And try it for yourself, see for it just how much stronger your great fireball be with it,

You can then judge my intention, am i making you stronger or not?]

'it's..... Not bad' he looks at the suggestion and he admit, it sounds intriguing

Double the fire power? That is simply far too unreal

His great fireball jutsu had only been growing a few centi-meters from the first time he impressed his father,

After that it's kinda stuck, there is no one to teach him so it's only been that size for a long time.

So doubling it? That was crazy, far too crazy for just a mere panties

'Maybe i should..... See if it's true' and a seed of curiousity has been planted on the last uchiha's heart

Meanwhile on the real world

'he bite it, he bites the bait' a young man is sitting infront of his computer, grinning from ear to ear

"Ah~ now that i have plant the seed of curiousity in him, i only need to wait, if i am not wrong then Kakashi will comes late to the classroom, probably a few hours from now so let's just see what else do i have here"

He clicks around, see if he can interact with the world

There is no respond

'Is it really just this?'

"Oh, i can click him" he unintentionally clicked Sasuke's body

A stats comes to the screen

[Sasuke uchiha


Konoha headband

Blue Uchiha turtle neck T-shirt

White arm sleeves

White short pants

Uchiha boxer

Wrapped leg guard

Blue ninja shoes


Feminity: 0

Submision: 0

Humiliation: 0

Depravity: 0]

"This kinda look like the secretary game except for a few detail, but over all it looks the same" he checks Sasuke stats and see that all of it is 0

"Well that's to be expected he is not even wearing the panties yet" he begin to look around again but he found nothing else to do

His level are too low to do something else

"Ah well let's just leave it for now, i already put the panties on stock so he can just buy it whenever he wants" he look at the clock and see it's 10:30am

"Oh shoot i am late!" His part time job start at 11:00 so he rushedly goes towards his bathroom and to take a shower and get ready

This is sunday by the way


'WHERE IS HE?!' In an empty classroom, 3 person are sitting unpatiently,

Maybe because their patient have run out

'THIS IS MY SENSEI?! SOMEONE WHO CAN'T EVEN COMES ON TIME?! Maybe i really should take the god's help' Sasuke uchiha are pissed

His jonin sensei, the one that are suppose to teach him, are a lazy bastard thay can't even come on time

It's been 4 hours!

"Naruto! What do you think you are doing?!" The howler known as Sakura Haruno filled the empty room with her voice

"I am setting up a prank for our sensei, how dare he come this late" Naruto Uzumaki, the villages prankster and troublemaker are being his usual self

"Stop that! We'll get in trouble! And our sensei will not get trapped by that measle prank, otherwise he is not worthy to be a jonin!" Sakura once again filled Sasuke's ear with annoying voice

'but she have a good point, if our sensei get caught by that trap then i am taking the god's help, this village can't give me enough power' Sasuke thought as he look at Naruto's shenanigans,

Then it's waiting time again

'God damn it where is he?!' the longer he wait, the more his patience run out

And that's when the door is open

It reveals a man around mid twenty with white hair,

The man covers his face with a mask and his headband cover one of his eyes

Not a good look for a sensei but that's fine, anyone can dress anyway they like

But then


The jonin gets caught on Naruto's trap

'it's official, i am taking the panties, it's far better than whatever this sensei can give me' Sasuke lost hope on his sensei,

Seeing a jonin, A JONIN, get caught by the stupid prank by Naruto is the last straw

Wearing a panties is better than being weak

"My first impressio of you is i don't like you, meet me at the roof in 10 minutes" the jonin sensei then dissapear

Sasuke gets up from his seat and walk to the roof without saying a word,

But his mind is convinced that there is no one in this village that can help him

A few minutes later.

"So all of you are here, let's start the introduction" the white haired jonin sensei said to his three students

"Sensei, why don't you start first so we know what to do?" Sakura raised her hand like a good girl and ask the question

"Me? Well my name is Hatake Kakashi, My hobbies are none of your business, i like the things i like and i don't like the things i don't like.

My dream for the future? Hmm.... Never thought of it"

'so we only get his name, great' Sasuke thought

"Me! Me! My name is-" as the intorduction part keeps going, Sasuke get bored of listening to them

And it's finally his time to do introduction

He gives his usual emo introduction that scare Naruto

His sensei begin to tell him of how they are not a genin yet, and there will be a test but Sasuke did not mind him, with the help of his god he is sure to beat the test

"Allright so since everything is finished, don't forget to come to the training ground 7 tommorow, oh and also don't eat your breakfast, you are just gonna throw it up anyway" and his sensei dissapear again like a father going out to buy milks

What a deadbeat sensei

"Sasuke kun, do you wanna come have lunch with me?" Sakura is being her usual fangirl

"No" and Sasuke get out of there

He walk back to his clan compound, an empty clan compound with no one inside

A place this big without anyone living here except for him is far too lonely, he have a thought to rent these house to people but soon scrapped that thought as it is disrespectfull to his ancesstor.

He went back to his house and check the invisible screen

'how can i bring it back?' he thought to himself while thinking of a way to bring the screen back

'maybe.... Shop?' and the screen comea back

But unlike the previous screen that are more like a scroll of message, this one have the pictures and the things he can buy in there

Currently there is only elemental panties in there

"Does it really work?" He look at the four panties and he feel a slight discomfort from them,

It's a panties, a woman underwear, he is not suppose to wear them

'but.... There is no other way' he remember his sensei, how much of a dead beat he is, he still thinks his sensei is a fraud

"To hell with it" he touch the buy button on the fire panties and it glows,

Suddenly a bright red panties appear from the screen

He check his pouch, and see that his money has been deducted exactly 100 ryo

"So it's real" looking at the magic screen suddenly create a bright red panties and deducting his money from his pouch, he can only admit that this is real

He looks at the panties, it's texture it's color, it's shape,

He feels discomfort, his heart beat faster than usual as he observe the panties

A thingle of shame and arrousal seeps into his heart

'it's just an underwear, there is nothing wrong with it, no one is gonna see it' he calms his mind and begin preparing himself to wear it

He go towards his bathroom, even though the house are empty and no one are in the compound he still wants absolute privacy to wear it

He pull down his pants and his boxer, he look at the red panties one more time before puting it on

Slowly and shamefully he put on the panties one leg after another

Even though no one is watching him, he feels shamefull eyes looking at him, he can just feels the dissapointed look of his clan judging him

'This is all for our revenge, it's not like i want to wear it' he finished wearing it soon as possible and pull his pants back up

He get out of the bathroom after his shamefull act

'It feels, somewhat comfortable, it's tight but not painfull, maybe this is not so bad after all' he keep walking towards the front door of his house, his face are red because of his shamefull acts

He walk up to the door and touch it, doubts coming to his heart as walking outside while wearing panties are not something he ever thought to do

But he can't test them here, he needs to test his fireball jutsu so he needs to go to the lake

With hesitation in his heart, he pushed the door and walk outside defeating his shame

As expected, no one is there, the clan are as empty as ever

Even if someone are there so what? It's an underwear, no one is gonna see it.

Sasuke sigh in relieve and walk towards the lake

'maybe this is not so bad after all'

After few minutes of walking he reach the lake, the lake that he used to train his fireball jutsu when he is a child

Now, wearing bright red panties, he is going to try it again

He did the hand sign sequence like he he did it hundreds of time before

Gather his chakra at his lungs and spew it!

*BOOOM!* The resulting jutsu are a fireball almost 40Meters in diameter, it burns brightly and the heat coming out of it are enough to boil the water bellow

Sasuke are in shock, he look at the fireball in awe as he can't imagine pulling something like this before

'this, this really works, i can get stronger with this!' He look at the boiling lake, an aftermath of his giant fireball jutsu

'it doesn't cost more than my normal one, this panties really double my fire power without any extra cost, this is great!' as he gushed over his new power, the pops up come back again


"Aahhhhh~ what a good day" our protagonist are back from his part time job,

Instead of a retail he works as a waiter in a restaurant as he feels like they get more costumoer than retail

"It's full of costumer as usual, i even get a pretty good tip today" he goes back to his room, change his outfit and look at his computer again

"Oh?" He look at the last game he played, the femboy maker one, he sees Sasuke tried to test his new panties

"Pfft, so he did bought it, really that boy will do anything for power" he chuckled at Sasuke and look at him doing the jutsu

The resulting jutsu area giant fireball twice the size of his usual one

"Wow, that's pretty big, don't know how big it actually is though, this is juat a simulation after all" he click on Sasuke's character and goes back to the chat function

"So how is it? Are you satisfied with the power?" He send the message and Sasuke immedietely replied

[You! What other artifacts do you have?! I need more power!] 'whaaa this guys sounds like drug addicted junkie'

"Calm yourself Sasuke, as of right now i only have those panties you see on the shop,

though i can get you another one, there is a chakra enhancing panties, genjutsu enhancing panties, and muscle enhancing panties"

[Are all of them panties?!]

"Well for now yes, as i said your divinity level are too low for a stronger artifacts. Wait a second let me check first" he send the message and check on the store menu,

And something else are unlocked

[Bundle lvl2 Powerfull bras] 'wow, this is the next step from the panties?'

He click on it and it shows the list

[Elemental bras] {100 yen} it contains bras that will boost your elemental affinity

[Chakra bras] {1000 yen} it contain bras that will boost your chakra regeneration, chakra capacity, and chakra control

[Muscle bras] {1000 yen} this bundle containt bras that will boost your physical power and growth

[Mind bras] {2000 yen} ever wonderd how it feels like to be smarter? Well wonder no more! Containing bras that will increase your genjutsu ability

'huh, basically the same thing as the panties, we that's to be expected, bras and panties are usually a pair' he purchased every bundle from his level 1 and level 2 bundle, that cost him around 8000 yen

And also since Sasuke has bought one of the elemental panties, he actually do get back his 100 yen,

'it immedietely transfer the money to my bank account, maybe this is not a scam after all' he notice that even though Sasuke has bought his fire panties, it is still there, so he doesn't need to keep purchasing panties over and over again as he have infinite supply of it,

'so that means i can get much, much more money than this if Sasuke decide to buy more than one' he grinned at the thought and he goes back towards the chat function

"Good news Sasuke, your divinity has leveled up from wearing a divine artifact, so you can get more than panties" he send the message and see that the young uchiha begin to look excited

[What else?! What else can i get?!] He responded so joyfully, maybe the initial euphoria of using a giant fire ball has not calmed down yet

"Check the store and you'll find out" and Sasuke do just that


'I don't know what i expected' Sasuke thought as he looks at the shop

His initial euphoria died down after he sees the list of new item

"What is the meaning of this!? Why is it all bras?!" He complained at the god while still looking at the shop

[Hey don't blame me, it's you who are too weak to use a stronger one, so there you go, that's what you get,

But don't dismiss them just because they are women's underwear, you already see the power of the panties, these bras are the same

They will increase your affinity to double, so with this your fire power will be 4 times.

Of course there is other option rather than just the fire one,

You see those chakras? If i were you i would've choose them,

Chakras are ninjas most powerfull weapon, sure your jutsu are strong but without enough chakra it will be useless] the god responded to Sasuke's complained, and yeah, it make sense

'but... It's bras' wearing panties are one thing, but bras? That's far too shamefull for him

[Oh what? Are you shy? Shy enough to let your clan murderer go away? Come on it's just bras, like the panties it's not gonna be noticeable, no one is gonna see it]

'Okay, this god is obviously trying to provoke me'

[I am provoking you, because you gotta understand your worries are dumb, you will get 4× stronger just for wearing something that no one is going to see

Do you know how long will it take for a normal ninja to becomes 4 times stronger? Years, maybe even decades, but you, you can just get that by wearing some underwear

So tell me, what is more important, your shame? Or your revenge?] Sasuke look at the message in silence,

He is thinking, he is thinking throughly as ti what he is suppose to do,

The god is right, he needs them, he need those power,

To kill him

And if the cost of that is wearing womens underwear, then so be it

"Fine" he goes towards the shop, looking at it's list

'my only jutsu are the fireball one so i don't need to buy the other panties, the fire bra might be usefull

For the chakra i bought all of them, as he said chakra are ninjas more powerfull weapon,

That cost me around 6000ryo as each bras and panties cost 1000 ryo each

The muscle one is going to be usefull for taijutsu and for training, it will increase my growth so of course i am buying it

The minds..... I am an uchiha so genjutsu should be my forte but since i don't have my sharingan yet i guess i should wait for later'

he put all of the things he is going to buy in a basket and click buy all

Just like before the basket appear with a glow of light as his money gets deducted

And now there he is, standing near the lake of uchiha with a basket full of women's panties and bras.

'I should've bought them at home' he bashfully scold himself at his own stupidity

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~To be continued~~~~~~~~~~~

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