
Chapter [221]

As Riser entered one of the rooms, he was met with a repugnant sight: four naked women lay amidst many unconscious Marines. The women were covered in a white liquid, and Riser observed the scene with a neutral expression, unsure of what had happened. He wondered if the women were prostitutes or Marines indulging in some sort of entertainment, but decided to uncover the truth.

Riser began scanning the memories of the unconscious Marines, using his ability to read their recollections. As he focused, he realized his initial assumption was wrong: the women had been kidnapped from their islands and enslaved by the Marines. The regiment's captain had left with other men on a mission to the Conomi Islands.

"Merlin, go outside the base," Riser ordered.


Merlin immediately teleported away, leaving the location as Riser had instructed. She would observe what was to come from a safe distance.

Riser looked at the situation before him, his eyes growing dark. He raised his hand, channeling his fire magic and feeling the fierce flames gather in his palm. With a determined motion, he unleashed the destructive energy.

The flames spread rapidly, consuming everything in their path. The screams of the Marines echoed briefly before being completely silenced by the overwhelming fire. The blaze engulfed the base, burning walls, ceilings, and people until all that remained was a pile of ash.

Merlin, still invisible, watched the entire scene in silence.

When the base was completely destroyed, only Riser remained standing amidst the smoldering ruins. He took a few steps forward and approached Merlin.

"Let's leave this island. I know where we need to go," Riser said, his voice calm and firm.

"Yes, Riser-sama," Merlin replied.

A golden magic circle formed beneath Riser and Merlin's feet, and both disappeared in a burst of intense light, teleporting to another location.


Cocoyasi Village

Riser and Merlin materialized in Cocoyasi Village.

The village, as Riser remembered from the anime, was Nami's home, and it appeared to be the same. However, something felt different. The streets were deserted, and there were no signs of life in the houses.

Riser frowned, observing the absence of people.

"Merlin, make me invisible as well."

Merlin extended her hands and began murmuring words in an ancient language. A soft glow enveloped Riser, and he slowly vanished until he was completely invisible.

"Done, Riser-sama. No one will be able to see you now," Merlin said, still invisible beside him.

Both invisible, Riser and Merlin began walking through the deserted streets of the village, determined to uncover what was happening and why the place was so silent.

It didn't take long for them to spot a girl sitting on the ground wearing a straw hat. Riser immediately recognized who it was.

'I don't need to be an enemy of Luffy like I was with Issei in DXD. But fighting the Sun God would certainly be fun,' Riser thought, reflecting on his possibilities.

"Merlin, I want you to find the Pirate Empress, Boa Hancock, and help her ascend to the position of Yonko," Riser ordered.

Merlin nodded, her face showing respect and loyalty as she listened to her master's orders. Riser extended his hand and retrieved three vials of Phoenix-bloodline vampire blood from his system.

"Make sure Hancock drinks one of these. If, by chance, you meet someone interesting according to my tastes, you can give them the other vials as well," Riser said, handing the vials to Merlin.

"Your orders will be carried out, Riser-sama," Merlin responded confidently.

Merlin dispelled the magic that made Riser invisible and teleported away to fulfill her orders.

With Merlin gone, Riser turned his attention to Nami, who was staring ahead, distracted, and had not noticed his presence. Riser began walking toward her.

"Hey," Riser said, his voice calm and unbothered.

Nami flinched, quickly raising her face to see who had spoken. Her eyes widened as she saw a man she didn't recognize, and she immediately became alert.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" Nami asked, her voice nervous and wary.

Riser looked at Nami with a tranquil smile. "I'm Riser. I heard that Arlong's pirates are causing trouble in this village, and I've come to defeat them."

Nami stared at Riser in disbelief. She assessed his appearance, doubting he could fulfill his promise. "Are you a pirate hunter?"

"No. I'm just a very strong man with a lot of free time. And you? You haven't told me your name yet," Riser replied, his voice calm and confident.

Nami hesitated for a moment before responding. "I'm Nami," she said, placing her hand on her arm, clearly trying to hide an injury. Riser noticed the movement.

"You should treat that wound," Riser commented, his gaze fixed on her arm.

Nami looked at her wound, somewhat surprised by the sudden concern. "Oh... this? It's nothing, but thank you for worrying," she replied, trying to divert the subject.

Riser pulled out a handkerchief from his suit and approached Nami, holding it out to her. "May I? I know it's not ideal, but it will help stop the bleeding," he said in a gentle tone.

Nami felt a bit nervous, but after a moment of hesitation, she nodded. "Alright... thank you," she said, extending her arm.

Riser wrapped the wound with the handkerchief, doing his best to stop the bleeding. "I'm sorry I don't have anything better right now," he said as he tied the handkerchief carefully.

Nami observed Riser as he tended to her wound, still wary, but there was something about him that began to earn her trust. She looked toward the horizon and pointed in the direction of Arlong Park.

"That's where Arlong Park is. My friends went there for the same reason as you."

Riser gave a slight smile at this. "You must have good friends to face such creatures. Thank you for the information. I'll head there now, and don't worry—this will be the end of Arlong."

Nami watched as Riser began to walk away, something inside her compelling her not to let him go alone.

"Wait! I'll go with you," Nami said, quickly standing up and starting to follow him.

Nami was confused about who this handsome man was who had promised to end what she feared most. In such a short time, he had already earned her trust in a way she couldn't explain. She couldn't let him go alone—she needed to see for herself what he would do against Arlong.


Arlong Park

Luffy approached the park, his expression resolute and his eyes fixed on the objective ahead. He shouted loudly: "Which one of you is Arlong?!"

Arlong narrowed his eyes at the shout. "It's me. What do you want with me?" he replied, his voice full of disdain.

As Luffy advanced, two fish-men leapt in front of him, blocking his path. They were massive, with glistening scales and bulging muscles. One of them looked at Luffy with a menacing grin.

"You think you can just come here and challenge our boss, human?" the fish-man said, his deep voice mocking. The other one laughed in agreement.

Luffy was undeterred. He took a step forward and, with a quick movement, struck both fish-men with a powerful punch. The impact was strong enough to slam their heads into the ground with a thud.


The other fish-men around were stunned, their expressions shifting from arrogance to surprise. They hadn't expected someone like Luffy to defeat two of their comrades so easily.

Arlong rose from the chair he had been sitting in, his expression growing more serious. He glared at Luffy with narrowed eyes and rising anger.

"That's what I want from you!" Luffy shouted, rushing forward. He landed a direct punch on Arlong's face.


The impact sent Arlong crashing into the wall, causing the stone structure to crack around the point of impact.

The surrounding fish-men were left gaping. Some exchanged uneasy glances, while others stepped back, hesitating. They had never seen their leader struck so hard by a human. Fear and shock were clearly written on their faces.

"Never make my navigator cry again!" Luffy shouted, remembering Nami, his voice filled with determination and anger.

"That was quite the punch," said a calm voice from behind Luffy.

It was Riser, watching the fight with a smile on his face. He had arrived with Nami unnoticed and was now observing the scene with particular interest.

Luffy, the fish-men, and the rest of Luffy's crew turned to see Nami and the stranger beside her. No one knew who Riser was, and his unexpected presence put everyone on alert. Nami stood beside him, her eyes shining with hope and determination. She was no longer alone—she had allies willing to fight for her.

Sanji and Zoro exchanged quick glances, assessing the newcomer. Zoro kept his hand on his sword, ready for any unexpected action, while Sanji watched Nami, trying to understand what was happening. Usopp, on the other hand, stared at Riser, clearly nervous about the situation.

Arlong, slowly getting up, looked at Riser with disdain, realizing he had yet another enemy to deal with. "Who are you? Another bold human?"

Riser simply smiled faintly, not immediately responding, his eyes fixed on Arlong as if he were no threat. Luffy glanced at Riser for a moment before turning back to Arlong, determined to finish what he had started.

Nami, meanwhile, looked between Luffy and Riser, a mix of gratitude and relief filling her heart.

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