
Earth Rulers

Milan woke up he was in the woods as he usual he was making his rounds staring around the trees and making his morning exercise. He walked towards his cave as he found his sword shining from a far.

"What is this?" He picked it up and stares closely at it, he found it shining and it was written a name 'Chosen' the moment he spoke that name light shows up from nowhere and covers his whole body as a shield he sit down and the light took him away. As he was traveled from earth realm to other dimension imaginary.

He was brought somewhere where no one can manage to enter as the was light he saw a man standing in front of him standing

'Who are you? Where am I?' Milan asked that man was serious standing staring at him.

"You dare forget who you are, what you are destined to become"

"What are you trying to say?"

"Go and come back once you retrieve your memory" That man touched Milan's head as Milan returned back to where he was and opened his eyes.

"What is it? Who was that?" He asked himself lots of questions. Later on that day Tine and Caroline were inside the room waiting for Harry to go out and steal the powder away. Harry was taking care of Jason as he was helping him out and left the door to his room open while leaving the powder on the table.

Tine got out and snuck inside Harry's room quietly she saw the powder on the table. The moment she was going to take it Harry showed up and saw her inside the room.

"What are you doing in here Tine?"

"Oh you are here, I want to clean the room"

"Since when have you started being this king to me?" Harry was suspecting something.

"Tell me what are you doing inside my room" Harry was talking walking towards her angrily. Suddenly Caroline shows up with a mop and the bucket inside the room.

"Oh Tine we should start....." as she acted like they were cleaning

"Harry What are you doing here? Today is cleaning day we are cleaning the whole house Leave us"

Harry was looking at them suspiciously he took the powder bag on the table and left with him Tine wanted to ask about that Caroline stopped her.

"Not like this, Tine there's still time"

"What do you mean?"

"Milan is not here, and he can't find him for the time being so let us not pressure up we still have time to steal that" Tine calmed down as they continue cleaning Harry's room.

Later on the same day Milan was in the village tonight walking Harry was hiding seeing him walking the moment he wanted to show up to him Milan was hit and thrown away. Harry hide himself to see who showed up. Milan stood up and saw Ishaly, Elijah, Hannan ,Najah and Ayyad

"Hello guys I miss you too" Milan standing up saying as he see a new face

"Wow I can see you have recruited another person" Elijah kicks Milan again he fell down and hit his head on the stone as he started bleeding.

"You didn't show up" Milan wanted to change but he felt someone was watching as he knew it was Harry.

"Please I don't want any trouble"

"You showed up to the building and kill everyone and burned down everyone with in, our bloodline ended there, you didn't show up when we needed you the most to go and help Elijah your own brother, you decided to stay behind and he with useless humans"

Harry was looking very closely.

"Guess what we have joined the alliance now and all the monsters will be coming after you" Milan wanted to stand up Ishaly turned into a wolf and flew to him Milan collected all his powers as he wa very fast and jumped to avoid her while throwing a distraction sand and created a fog while running away Harry didn't see anything he was shocked as he didn't see anyone there.

Milan was running taking them far from the village and enter into the woods along with them. They were faster then Milan. Harry was also running going to the woods. Milan stopped and turning back on them Iyaad shows up going to kick him Milan hold him down when he wanted to hit him he was hit by Hannan with a stone on the chest he fell down. While he wanted to change into a beast he saw Harry coming as he letted himself being hit.

"Fight hack you bastard" Ishaly speaks going to him. Harry showed up and stand in the middle of them all.

They all stoped Jason shows up too and guide Milan as they stand facing Ishaly's group.

"Wow a group of hunters don't mess around and leave while we are being kind to you, stop interfering into other people business" Elijah speaks

"He is one of us, if you want to kill him, you have to go through us first" Jason said

"One of you? You don't even know who he is" Ishaly speaks Iyaad was going to them as he turned into a complete panther. Jason and Harry prepared a huge combo for Iyaad Ishaly saw that and turned into a wolf going to them Milan picked up a huge stone and throw it to them all. Ishaly and others avoided the stone. Milan Jason and Harry managed to run away Ishaly stood up and turned back into human form.

"Are we going to let them run like that?" Hannan asked Iyaad stood up.

"Let them go tonight it's theirs but we will seize the day tomorrow het ready we will reveal Milan's true identity to everyone in the village".

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