
Chapter 18 - Strange books

[Author: It was already a miracle that we reached 71st ranking. Thanks for the support and I believe it will be there. I've started the Discord server, so help yourselves for getting NSFW in the server. Here's the link.


Don't forget to drop Power Stones and add the book to your libraries. Muahahahahahhhaha!!]

The dining table hushed as the Dragon Empress dropped a bombshell. Confusion painted the girls' faces as they glanced at their mothers.

Vespera, unable to contain her embarrassment, asked, "So… was it just a prank?" Her face turned redder with frustration, veins practically popping.

The mothers, wearing wry smiles, admitted it was indeed a prank. The girls, on the edge of chaos, restrained themselves.

However, tranquility shattered when Drakara, letting out a sigh, rose and left her seat.

The Dragon Empress, attempting to understand, inquired, "Where are you going, dear?" 

Drakara said with an annoying expression, "I'm done with my questions, so I'm leaving."

A book appeared out of thin air hovering towards Drakara with a wave of her mother's hand before she spoke, "You should take this. It will help you in both your and son-in-law's cultivation." and shared a 'now it's your turn' glance with the other empresses.

Without a delay, ten books were hovering in front of their daughters with the same comment, "It will help you in both your and son-in-law's cultivation."

Looking at the books that were by no means looked normal hovering in front of them, they tried to open them up and ended up failing in their numerous attempts of even using full strength.

The space empress chuckled before she spoke with her sweet voice that would bring any being to sacrifice itself to hear her for once, "Ä male and female blood is required to unlock the book. "

Everyone remained silent after hearing her voice that had almost made them fall for her.

The girls sighed again as they felt insecure in front of their own mothers, knowing they were pranked earlier.

"Don't worry. Even we don't know the contents inside these books. We found them years ago, but sadly we could not one of the requirements because of our strength being higher than it." Dragon empress spoke with a smile on her face after adding, "It's also the congratulatory gifts from us to son-in-law."

As the girls absorbed the sincere words from their mothers, trust etched on their faces, they couldn't help but believe in the gravity of the situation. Affirmative nods marked their agreement, and with determination, they exited the grand hall, entering a colossal room dominated by an expansive bed, a space fit for over 30 people.

Taking their places, the ten girls faced a collection of ten peculiar books. These volumes, though sharing a visual similarity, held an intriguing diversity that begged exploration.

It was a challenge, for these books could only be unlocked by a unique combination of male and female blood. A mysterious aura surrounded them, and the girls attempted to pry them open with sheer strength, their collective efforts proving futile.

Despite their combined might, the books remained sealed, refusing to yield to the strength of the ten determined girls.

Hours passed as they tirelessly experimented with various methods, attempting every conceivable approach to unlock the secrets within. Frustration loomed, but the girls persisted, their determination unwavering.

In the end, exhaustion took its toll, and the girls reluctantly conceded defeat. The decision to refresh themselves took precedence, and they agreed to indulge in a shower to wash away the weariness that clung to their attempts.

As the water cascaded down, the girls found solace in the simple act of relaxation, their minds still buzzing with the mystery of the unyielding books.

It was getting dark outside when Leo was almost done with closing the shop. 

He had earned a total of, 3048 bronze coins and dozens of low-rank spiritual stones from today's revenue. 

The currency for mortals and cultivators were different.

[Mortal Currency:

Bronze, Silver, and Gold Coins.

Gold > Silver > Bronze

Bronze was the starting currency.

1 Silver = 100 Bronze

1 Gold = 1000 Silver]

[Cultivator Currency:

Low-Rank Spiritual Stone, Mid-Rank Spiritual Stone, and High-Rank Spiritual Stone.

High > Mid > Low

Low-Rank Spiritual Stone = 100 Silver Coins

Mid-Rank Spiritual Stone = 1,000 Low-Rank Spiritual Stone

High-Rank Spiritual Stone = 10,000 Mid-Rank Spiritual Stone]

Leo had closed the restaurant and started walking out of the market.

He was carrying two bags filled with leftover food and always cared to give a small box to the stall owners who had not yet closed their stalls.

After giving away all the food, he left his market carrying a particular box in his hand while walking out the streets. He stopped in front of a small patch of hut that was not built properly.

*Knock* *Knock*

""Coming!" A cute and curious voice was heard before the door was opened.


The door made a sound which showed just old it was.

Right after the door opened, a small, petite figure popped in Leo's vision. Big eyes filled with curiosity and purity, fair skin, black hairs with ponytails on either side of the head, a little girl wearing a light blue frock that had small stitched patches of dull and bright clothes. 

When the little girl looked at Leo, she screamed with joy, "Ohh! Big brother Leo! Anya missed you soooo much!" and hugged him tightly, showing her affection towards him.

Leo didn't mind the poor girl hugging him because she had the same background as him — an orphan named Anya.

The girl lived alone and had managed to fend for herself since her grandmother was forced to be in the bed due to an accident a year ago, who eventually died in her sleep. Cleaning households had become her source of income, which could barely fill her daily expenses.

Leo had asked Anya if she wanted to work for the restaurant after introducing her with the twice wages, and she agreed readily.

"You should ask about the person's identity this late night when opening the door, okay?" He spoke with concern.

"Mhm, Big brother Leo. But why are you here?" Anya spoke with a puzzled expression, leaving his embrace.

"Here. I brought something for you while heading home. Eat this before sleeping." Leo spoke with a calm expression before handing out a meal box and stood up to leave.

"Yay! Big brother Leo is the best!" The little girl exclaimed with joy and added, "Big brother Leo, please come inside." while tugging his sleeves towards the door.

"Umm… Anya. I have to leave early today. I'll accept your invitation some other day, okay?" His voice had a trace of truthfulness that made the little Anya accept it and simply nodded.

After delivering Anya's meal box, Leo strolled towards his house that was not far from Anya's small hut.

*Knock* *Knock*

He knocked at the door which was soon opened by Mortia alone and the sight of his beautiful wife made him smile while he asked, "So, how was the day?"

"It was very good, and…our mothers sent gifts for us." Mortia spoke with a smile before she followed behind him.

He took a warm bath and had dinner that he prepared afterward.

The dinner this time was homemade pizzas. The strong aroma of cheese and crust made their bellies swell after a few slices.

The pizza slices left were stored in a cold storage device controlled by an ice type spiritual stone, which was obviously of the lowest grade.

Leo wore night pajamas and looked at Mortia before speaking, "Let's open the gifts together."

Next chapter