
Chapter 7 - Just Married (1)

Leo found himself in a perplexing situation, beads of sweat forming on his forehead as ten ethereal rings materialized before him. The beauty of the rings was overshadowed by the overwhelming statement from the ten princesses – they were willing. His heart pounded, and he felt on the verge of a breakdown, but the mystical attire he wore, ever so calming, turned his perspiration into a refreshing coolness.

The ten emperors observed Leo, standing in apparent bewilderment even after the conjuration of wedding rings. Uncertainty hung in the air as the emperors questioned if they had overlooked some crucial detail. Surprisingly, both Leo and the emperors found themselves teetering on the edge of emotional breakdowns, their strengths, and statuses laid bare for all to see.

Leo's mythical attire played a dual role, not just in its mystic functions, but also in concealing his inner turmoil. The cool touch of the fabric kept his emotions in check, preventing the external display of the overwhelming thoughts and emotions that churned within him.

The ten rings, symbols of union and commitment, glimmered in the air, awaiting acknowledgment. Meanwhile, the emperors, rulers of their respective realms, shared a moment of vulnerability as they assessed Leo's demeanor. The unexpected turn of events left everyone in a state of heightened tension, a fragile moment where the destinies of the son-in-law and fathers-in-law intertwined.

Leo's internal turmoil mirrored the uncertainty among the emperors. Their formidable status and strength, which usually demanded unwavering respect, now stood on the precipice of vulnerability. The prospect of uniting through familial ties brought a strange mix of apprehension and curiosity, creating a narrative imbued with a delicate balance of power and emotion.

As the ten emperors exchanged glances, Leo grappled with the weight of his newfound reality. The cool facade of his mythical attire masked the storm within, concealing the struggle and emotions that threatened to spill over. The rings, suspended in the air, became symbols not just of marital unity but also of the intricate dance between fate and choice.

Guided by the soothing influence of his mythical attire, Leo harnessed the calm within, steadying his breathing. Despite the myriad of questions swirling in his mind — doubts, suspicions, and uncertainties echoing in the corners of his thoughts — he took a decisive step forward towards the enchanting princesses.

Within the realms of Leo's mind, questions like "Do they really mean it?" and "What if it is a trap?" buzzed like persistent bees. The weight of potential consequences pressed upon him, as the possibility of cursed rings and the unknown future loomed large. Yet, as Leo moved closer to the princesses, the emperors, previously tense, found solace in his courageous stride.

On the other side of this delicate dance between fate and choice, Leo, fueled by an unexpected surge of determination, became blissfully oblivious to the worries that had plagued him moments before. The strange notion, an unwarranted thought that sprouted seemingly out of thin air, overtook his consciousness: "If I'm going to die, then I'll die marrying these beauties."

In this pivotal moment, the clash between apprehension and resolve painted a vivid picture. Leo's audacious step forward, powered by a newfound sense of purpose, resonated with a simplicity that transcended the complex web of uncertainties. The emperors, witnesses to this unfolding drama, felt a collective sigh of relief as Leo embraced the unknown, guided by an enigmatic thought that had emerged within him.

In a moment of both acceptance and trepidation, Leo contemplated the necessity of offering his blood to activate the magical rings. As he mentally prepared to fulfill this ritual, a surprising revelation unfolded—the sleeve of his mystical attire extended to the tip of his right index finger, piercing it as though guided by some unseen force. A surreal sight unfolded before him, his own clothing seemingly drawing blood.

Caught in the unexpected turn of events, Leo couldn't help but think, "I'm done for!" The realization of his attire's mystic influence penetrating his flesh only deepened the enigma surrounding him. With little hesitation, he proceeded to release small droplets of his blood onto the suspended rings, surrendering to the mystical connection that bound them together.

A palpable tension filled the air as Leo's blood met the rings, marking the initiation of a powerful bond. In response to his unspoken command, the sixth ring, like an obedient servant, swiftly obeyed and darted forward. All eyes were now fixed on Leo, as the unfolding spectacle left everyone on the edge of anticipation, eager to unravel the answer to a singular question: "Who will be the first wife?"

A collective gasp echoed through the grand hall, a symphony of astonishment, as Leo's actions unfolded before the mesmerized assembly. The onlookers, emperors, princesses, and mystical beings alike, stood in silent shock, witnessing a scene beyond the realms of their wildest imaginations.

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