
Chapter 8

Don't know why but felt like adding this picture 


"The name is Yuna Uchiha, but after marring my husband Kakashi Hatake it's become Yuna Hatake. My husband is the Hokage of our village, The Lord in the village hidden in the leaves."

As she utters the name "Yuna Hatake," Bran, ever curious, attempts to pronounce "Hatake" with a childlike curiosity, the syllables unfamiliar on his English native tongue. Jon, Theon, and Robb exchanged puzzled glances, struggling to wrap their minds around the unfamiliar terms.

Jon, with his furrowed brow, tried to repeat the names but stumbled over the pronunciation, his Northern accent clashing with the foreign syllables.

The lone solider listened to Jon Snow attempting to pronounce the unfamiliar names of her husband and his title, a struggle evident in his furrowed brow and awkward articulation, she found herself pulling her hand over her mouth to hide her little smile from everyone.

Jon, unaware of Akame's internal amusement, sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck and cast a glance downward, his brown eyes reflecting the embarrassment. There was an endearing quality to his embarrassment, a certain innocence that Akame couldn't help but find charming.

Robb Stark, observing the scene, couldn't shake a feeling of jealousy. The subtle dynamics of the encounter, where Jon blushed under the gaze of the exotic traveller, sparked a tinge of competitiveness in Robb. Unaccustomed to feeling such emotions, he tried to mask it with his calm demeanour, but his gaze betrayed a hint of curiosity mixed with a touch of insecurity.

"Village hidden in the leaves? Is that supposed to be a funny joke?" Theon remarked with a smirk. He couldn't resist finding humour in the notion of a village concealed among plants.

Akame had found the boy annoying and practically rude. To her, he seemed rather arrogant for his age and she was finding it really displeasing.

"It's just a title given to my village which is hardly ever noticeable thanks to it being surrounded by trees and leaves during spring and summer" Akame explained with a hint of annoyance in her voice which Theon caught and glared down at her in a superiority manner.

"It makes sense" Jon finally spoke.

"I want to see" Bran murmured.

Theon scoffs. "What a shame, thought Robb would've wanted to fuck you hard after seeing you. Create red eyed bastards" the Greyjoy remarks, his tone dripping with a crude sort of humour. Robb, caught off guard by Theon's audacity, pulls a not-so-subtle expression of disapproval in response. Akame, her annoyance simmering just beneath the surface, gazes at Theon with a stern look, her eyebrow arching up in question.

Theon's brashness, seemingly unchecked by propriety, only adds another layer of awkwardness between Robb and Akame.

"I apologise if Theon had made you feel any discomfort. He does not know when to speak properly in front of a married woman" he sneers, sending a sided glare.

Akame was already used to these kinds of talks, nothing new.

She recalls the amount of times the police was called on James because he was with 17-year-old girl even though nothing happened between them and that he was just her legal guardian.

"His is a Lord? your husband" Robb asked suddenly trying to change the atmosphere, still kind of embarrassed about Theon saying something so absurd. He didn't want to have sex with her was just, he was just interested in the girl until she mentioned she was married. Then right there he knew his boundaries.

Akame nodded her head.

"Then may I inquire why your lord had not presented you with any knights for protection? Westeros is no safe place for a lady such as your own to be wondering around" His tone carried a mix of sternness and genuine care, revealing a protective instinct that was characteristic of his noble upbringing. The idea of a woman, even a foreigner, traveling alone through Westeros without a proper escort seemed to unsettle Robb. In his mind, the responsibility of ensuring her safety fell upon her husband's shoulders.

There it was that look in his eyes again.

Akame sighed, how she really wanted to wrap this up and leave. This Robb Stark, this boy was just making her annoyed and she was this close to getting on her horse and riding off.

In response to his question, Akame answered with a measured tone, "In my country, we value freedom and self-reliance. Besides, my husband trusts in my abilities to handle myself in various situations. We come from different cultures, and our ways may seem unconventional here."

Robb's concern lingered, evident in the furrowed lines on his forehead. He couldn't fathom letting his wife, if he had one, face the dangers of the world without protection. His sense of duty as a lord and, perhaps, personal values clashed with the notion of a woman navigating the realm unattended.

"Maybe" he said softly, his deep blue eyes analysing her and her clothes. 

"You know how to wield a sword" It was Jons turn to ask a question. His question was blurted out of curiosity as he gazed down at the sword hanging down Yuna's waist. His brown eyes sparked with awe.

He examined Yuna's sword with a mixture of curiosity and awe. In all his years, he had never encountered a weapon quite like hers. The sheath, dark as the night sky, possessed an immaculate shine that spoke of careful maintenance and craftsmanship. Its sleek design and flawless surface contrasted sharply with the battle-worn swords he was accustomed to.

The sword itself was curved, a departure from the long, straight swords that were more familiar in Westeros. Jon couldn't help but wonder how one was supposed to effectively wield such a uniquely shaped weapon. The width of the blade surprised him, yet its thinness suggested a balance that hinted at a level of expertise he couldn't quite grasp.

The handle, too, caught Jon's attention. Its beauty lay in its simplicity, and the hilt's guard surrounding the base of the blade was a work of art. Its design was intricate and foreign, nothing like the functional yet plain guards on the swords of the North. The craftsmanship hinted at a level of skill and artistry that surpassed the practicality of Westerosi weaponry.

"Yes, I can but I can only fight one at a time. I'm not a very skilled swordsman unlike my brother of course." Her voice lowered at the mention of a brother, acting out as if she was embarrassed to be lower than her brother.

Although it was all just a façade to avoid unnecessary attention. It was true that her brother was always better than her, but she was the only one in the world who rivalled him.

But now she was the one that no one could match their level of skills to hers in this world.

She may just consider herself the strongest.

A walking void of destruction.

Theon Greyjoy, always one to showcase his arrogance and lack of tact, couldn't help but let his sexist beliefs surface when he heard Yuna speak, "As it should be. Women can't match the skills of a man; not like they should wielding a weapon either. Only good for being pleasuring whores for us men" Theon declared, his tone laced with a hint of arrogance and chauvinism. The idea of a woman possessing such a formidable weapon seemed to offend his traditional sensibilities, and he made no effort to hide his disdain.

Akame, unbothered by Theon's outdated views, simply regarded him with a stoic expression. She had faced prejudice before and had no intention of engaging in a pointless argument. Her red eyes flickered with a mixture of amusement and indifference, silently challenging Theon's narrow-minded perspective.

Robb Stark, witnessing Theon's insensitive remark, shot him a disapproving glance. While the Stark heir had his own set of concerns and questions about Yuna, he maintained a level of respect for her abilities and individuality.

'Well time to go,' That was Akame's que to leave and not look back. She had enough. She was done with this bullshit and she was leaving.

"Thanks for your comment, I'll keep that in mind next time I meet other strangers." She emphasised the word comment. "I shall be going now. I'm really behind my schedule and I don't have much long left before I have to hit the boats and return back home. My husband, calm as he is, would probably be worried if I return late" Akame lied, lowering her gaze as if she was sad to go and that she was enjoying her time being wasted by these annoying little brats.

Except for Bran. He could waste all her time and she wouldn't mind.

Although, theoretically speaking he is the reason why they are here in the first place. If he had just tied that damn cloak properly, she wouldn't be having this conversation.

With a graceful bow, Akame expressed her gratitude and bid farewell to the group of nobles she had encountered on her journey. Her movements were fluid and respectful, a testament to the manners ingrained in her from her own culture.

"It was a pleasure meeting the nobles of this land. May you find peace in your days, and may God grant you eternal health and blessings." she said, her tone conveying sincerity. However, Akame didn't linger. She knew the importance of maintaining distance from the political intricacies of Westeros.

Without waiting for further conversation, Akame grabbed the reins of Aragon and lead them away, not once glancing back at them.

As she moved away, the wind rustled through the leaves, carrying with it the enigmatic presence of the woman from a distant land. The nobles, left in her wake, were left to contemplate the encounter with the mysterious traveller, each holding their own thoughts about the foreigner who had briefly graced their presence.

"Wait Lady Yun-" Robb was cut off by a hand on his shoulder. He turned to look at his half brother who shook his head. Jon realised that Yuna seemed desperate leave, she said she was behind schedule and that she soon needed to board the boats to return home. They shouldn't keep her around for too long.

Robb, choosing silence over a retort, watches as Yuna walks away. His gaze lingers on her retreating figure, and a subtle sense of disappointment tinges his expression. Yet, beneath the disappointment, there's an intriguing fascination that refuses to dissipate. Something about the mysterious woman with crimson eyes has captivated the Stark heir, leaving a lingering hope to cross paths with her again, an unexpected yearning that defies the boundaries of Westerosi tradition and courtly expectations.

He shook that feeling off, he should not think about a married woman like that. He was raised better than this.

They all watched as Yuna's figure became smaller and smaller as she walked further away from them until she was nothing but a speck.

Robb, not pleased with Theon's untactful comments from before, shoots him a disapproving look. Theon, however, remains unfazed, staring back at Robb as if innocence personified. He nonchalantly remarks, "I never knew you were the type to want to have sex with a married woman. I saved you from dishonouring your Stark code, my friend." Theon's words hang in the air, a sly grin playing on his lips.

"Be careful what you say around Bran," Robb advises, a note of caution in his voice. Bran, the picture of innocence, looks at Robb then at Theon and then to Jon, his eyes filled with curiosity.

"What does he mean?" he innocently asks, unknowingly putting Jon in an awkward position.

Jon, caught off guard by Bran's question, shifts uncomfortably. His gaze shifts from Theon to Robb, silently pleading for guidance. Robb, sensing the need to intervene, steps forward. "Nothing, Bran. Theon's just being his usual self—trying to stir things up. Pay him no mind," Robb says, attempting to diffuse the situation.

"It's a shame she's already married. I wouldn't have minded seeing what's under that dress-like attire of hers and those tits. I wonder how they feel if I squeeze them." Theon remarks again, completely ignoring what's going around which elicits another warning look from Robb. Theon, undeterred but perhaps a bit wiser, retreats back, leaving the trio in a mix of silence and contemplation.

Bran, ever curious and innocent, breaks the quiet with a question, "Was she not cold wearing those?" His gaze follows the path Yuna took, as if pondering the mysteries of her unconventional attire in the Norths chill.

Jon, rode beside Robb, adding a touch of humour to the lingering tension. "Maybe you should have given her your fur cloak, Robb," he muses, his tone light but carrying a hint of mischief. Robb, caught off guard, grins at his little brother's comment, appreciating the subtle humour that Jon brings to the moment.

"Maybe her husband should do that."


Having walked a considerable distance from the encounter with the Starks, Akame took a long sigh of relief. She hadn't expected to cross paths with the noble family so early in her journey through Westeros. Her initial plan was to avoid any eye contact with nobility, especially considering her desire to steer clear of the entanglements that often came with the intrigues of noble houses.

Robb Stark's curiosity, however, had taken her by surprise. The young heir's persistent interest in her, albeit innocent, served as a reminder of the complexities that came with getting involved with noble families. She couldn't help but shiver at the thought of how close she came to getting entangled in the web of Westerosi politics. The first step, it seemed, had already been taken — the heir's fascination with her.

"Maybe God should have given me coloured contacts." Akame mumbled to herself before gazing up at the sky with a peeved expression. "It would have been nice" she grumbled, throwing her arms in the air.

There was no response nor any sign.

"Tch. Of course. Stay silent and comfy up there while I rot from skin to bone in this pit of my own miserably down here."

Akame had walked along the same road but then her steps purposefully diverged from the path that would lead her away from Winterfell. The lone solider had recalled the advice given by Harlan. The left road, a direct route to the imposing walls of Winterfell, held the potential for unexpected encounters with the Stark family. Instead, she opted for the right, a path less travelled, leading away from the prominent castle.

The terrain had unfolded before her like a canvas, each turn and bend revealing new landscapes and vistas. Aragon's hooves echoed through the air, a steady beat accompanying their journey.

The surroundings changed gradually.

The landscape transformed into a mysterious realm draped in a thick, ethereal fog. The daylight was veiled by a grey shroud, casting an otherworldly ambiance over the meadows and woods that bordered the path.

Aragon's hooves seemed to muffle in the dampness of the fog, creating an eerie, almost spectral cadence as they moved forward. The air itself hung heavy with moisture, and the distant calls of unseen birds echoed through the mist, lending an otherworldly quality to the journey.

The fog embraced everything, blurring the boundaries between the road and the surrounding meadows. Trees emerged like spectral sentinels; their outlines softened by the hazy curtain that enveloped them. Akame, wrapped in her dark kimono-like attire, appeared like a lone wanderer traversing a dreamscape.

As the fog thickened, the world around Akame seemed to contract, creating a sense of isolation. Yet, despite the gloominess of the atmosphere, there was a serene beauty in the way the mist clung to the landscape. It lent an air of mystery to the journey.

The lone soldier found a good resting spot among the trees and away from the dirt road. She took a deep breath as she settled on the ground, her black kimono fanning around her like a pool of shadows and the fog danced around the edges of her resting place. Akame took a long hard moment to think of the consequence of talking to the Stark boys from earlier.

Now they know she exists and it would now be difficult to go unnoticed. She found it difficult to go to places without a noble being present there.

She should leave Westeros and go to Essos instead, avoid all contact.

Akame had the sudden urge to laugh at her foolishness. The encounter with the Starks had reminded her that even in the seemingly untouched corners of Westeros, the influence of noble houses could not be escaped. Her initial assumption that Essos might offer respite from the intricacies of noble politics began to feel naive.

People talked, and when they talked it would whisper through the air into the ears of unwanted people. Akame now began to feel a sense of paranoia beginning to encircle her mind, wrapping its dark fingers around her into a tight hold.

The lone soldier has to be careful in what she does or say in these lands. She might as well go to Essos instead where she might find a place, she wouldn't stick out like a sore thumb like she does here.

She could find a little tiny village and settle there. Open a little clinic for the villagers and treat them. Although word might spread of her expanded knowledge of medicine and some noble man might want to hire her as a personal doctor but it wouldn't matter as much as she would politely decline the offer and continue spending her days helping people.

Treating people wouldn't force her to fight in a war as weapon. No one would know of her abilities if doesn't use them to fight people.

Akame took another deep breath. 

"I'm so done with this world already" she let out a whined complaint.

She glanced over at her wagon, the ancient wooden transporting vehicle of the dark ages that had all her possession in it. Akame had spent some of her resting time to rummage through the stuff she didn't bother to look over before and oh boy how the lord was generous.

There was a total of two small wooden crate and two large leather chests.

One of them was filled with an array of modern medicines and pills, each in a suitable glass jar, rowed in organised sections. They had tags around the necks of the jar, wrapped with brown strings and labelled in clear black ink.

The other leather chest had all her surgical instruments and acupuncture needles with many bandages, safety pins and first aid kits designed in a medieval ages theme to suit the timeline she was in, but it had all the modern-day equipment needed.

There was another crate other than the first one she looked into on her first day of reincarnation, smaller but wider. This is where she found her drawing book and charcoal pens packed neatly in a small wooden box carved with beautiful Japanese castle and garden like forests. In the same crate is where she found a sheathed wakizashi, it was an exquisite blade that resembled her katana and beside it was a pouch containing a total of 15 sharped kunai knives.

Hidden behind her sacks of clothes and boots was a Weimao, a Chinese hanfu hat. A cone like hat with a long veil.

Akame didn't understand why God was so generous to give her all these stuffs but it sure did help for a starter. She had weapons, clothes, medicine (not like she needed them for herself) clean water, drawing book to keep her occupied, a journal with information, maps, tea and her tea set, a small pouch with money which found to have a small note containing vale of each coin but the only thing he didn't give her was food.

However, food was something she can easily come by from either hunting, fishing, or buying from villages, which she did when she was with Harlan.

Akame, seated in the quiet meadow, decided on her path forward. She resolved to turn her journey into a quest of capturing the beauty of Westeros within the pages of her journal. Her mission was to immortalize the landscapes, castles, and towns through her artistic lens. Like a modern-day photographer with a smartphone, she aimed to document the essence of each place she visited.

When she was done with Westeros she would sail to Essos. The ancient lands were a canvas waiting to be painted with her unique perspective. Akame acknowledged the naivety in thinking she could remain hidden from the notice of nobility, especially with her distinct features and captivating red eyes. However, her newfound freedom allowed her to embrace a carefree spirit. She was not bound by the shackles of war anymore, nor was she a loyal dog leashed to a master's command.

It wouldn't matter if they would come after her or search the lands for her, Akame had the will and power to decline.

Akame didn't understand why she was afraid of being found out by hungry power nobles before, probably just the idea of being pulled into someone's war when she just got out from one, worried her.

No. She will be fine.

The lone solider was a strong and capable woman. She faced armies, war machines, tanks and even magical weapons with string wielders.

What has a noble with a primitive army of swords and arrows got to frighten her.

She laughed at her own stupidity and concern for being found out that even Aragon came to her side to nudge his head at Akame.

"I'm gonna make sure that in this life I won't follow another master again" Akame promised herself. However, she did hope that was the case and her past didn't come catching up to her.

In that serene meadow, bathed in the gentle glow of an unseen sun, Akame's mind blossomed with dreams as vibrant as the colours she envisioned capturing in her journal. A radiant smile graced her features as she let her imagination soar into a future shaped by compassion and purpose.

Once her journey was over, she would look for a peaceful village. A place where she can open a small clinic and let people of ages and status to come in. She will do what she was best at other than killing her enemies and following orders from her superiors. The idea of treating people, offering comfort, and bringing healing to those in need brought a warmth to her heart that she hadn't felt in a long time.

As her aspirations expanded, so did the scope of her benevolence. Akame envisioned a flourishing tea farm brought from the money she made as a doctor in her small clinic. Its lush fields of green and fresh aroma that would not only bring peace to her mind but her soul. Yet it just wouldn't just be a tea plantation; it would also be sanctuary for orphans and lost children. In this haven, they would find a new beginning, a refuge from the harsh realities of the world. She imagined crafting a home for these innocent souls, providing them with a childhood they deserved.

Akame's enthusiasm bubbled over as she considered the employment of compassionate young women who, instead of resorting to less honourable means, would choose a path of care and nurturing. The prospect of creating a supportive community, where everyone played a part in building a better future, filled her with a purpose in her life.

Her heart danced with delight as she thought of the orphans learning, growing, and finding a family among the tea leaves she cultivated. The idea of instilling hope in these young lives, helping them blossom into individuals of strength and character, painted a future more beautiful than any landscape she could capture in her journal.

Akame liked that. She liked that very much.

She didn't need money or the lavash life of the ancient nobles from the past.

She didn't need to build herself a strong empire to live and rule over.

She didn't need the whole world bowing at her feet for her unbelievable powers.

Nor did she need to pledge her loyalty to a noble house.

All she needs is the peace of healing people, growing tea leaves, and raising orphans.

She once brought fear, destruction, and death in her past life but in this one she wants do to the exact opposite.

Aragon, ever attuned to her emotions, sensed the shift in her disposition. With a gentle trot, he approached, his massive form moving gracefully. Lowering his majestic head, Aragon nudged Akame affectionately, as if offering his silent support for the newfound joy radiating from her.

The lone soldier couldn't help but smile, caressing the muzzle of her friend. "You like the idea, don't you."

Aragon stares deeply into her red eyes and snorts lightly.

A serene smile graced Akame's face as she felt the comforting presence of Aragon. Leaning forward, she gently rested her forehead against his, a silent expression of gratitude and companionship. As Akame nuzzled her forehead against Aragon's, she felt the warmth and reassurance that only a loyal companion could provide.

"I do too"


Hello, hope you guys liked the chapter.

Stay tuned for the next one, don't forget to leave a review or comment.

Bye bye for now.

Parry_Uchihacreators' thoughts
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