

"Young Master!"


I was laying down on the sofa as I was dead tired from fighting two people at the same time, they beat me but I held on.

"I've gathered the information you have requested, this is the list of the upcoming raids to be done by our men."

"Noel, I'm too tired but find me the raids that are in close proximity to Thi Alari."

"Thi Alari?"

"Yes that Thi Alari."

Thi Alari, that was the name of the land of the Elves' it was their territory, though they monitor the border they never go out of it, people have tried entering but never got out.

"Territorial bastards."

I said as I thought of them, there was a time I thought of them as the most beautiful species according to what I heard but I'll have to see it for myself.

"Young Master if Elves were to hear you."

"They'd be fine since its true, they don't like lying and they would rather want you to be upfront, they can sense emotions quite well."

That was also the reason why cavalry invasion would be difficult they can just speak to the horses or any other animals and those creatures would immediately jump ship.

"Besides, rashly attacking humans gives us the justification to finally start a war and even then we don't want to disrupt the balance between our forces."

"I'll get going then."

Noel left, I closed my eyes and filtered the information the system had organized as well as my own.

If we start an all out war it gives the demons a chance to overpower one side and take over, on the other hand the Elves' are also busy clearing their own dungeons in their own territory.

Every Race can't fight an all out war due to the presence of these dungeons hence everyone is cordial for now.

'I bet once the last dungeon disappears on anyone's territory and the demon Lord is killed, its only a matter of time before war breaks out.'

Alliances with the Elves' are temporary, they live longer than us but what about the future generations of humans? Will they even remember if we ally ourselves?

But according to Taehyuns' memory, The Elves of this generation should be open for negotiation and allegiance so long as I do their bidding to which I do not unless they give me something in return.

"I'll go there myself and see what they have to offer."

I looked at the graph in front of me, it was what they call in Taehyun's world a Venn Diagram, it certainly does make things look easier and understandable as I read continued examining the important things I've known and read.

"I'll be done with this and go to sleep, my body is still sore."


"This are the complete list of subjugations that are near Thi Alari, though these spots don't have that much of monsters nor dungeons near them its still getting cleared out by our duchy in case of emergency evacuations."

"What about bandits?"

"That's why we're clearing them, this place has become too safe for humans hence bandits have resided in this place according to our latest information three months ago when we went to survey our land."

"Are these bandits really bandits?"

"Our scout says so but he was just observing from afar so he couldn't get quite a good look in fear of being seen."

"Then as the son of the Grand Duke I'll take this mission and see it for myself, prepare twenty men, we all leave next week."

Noel nodded in understanding, from what I see if they are to join this duchy it would be of a great asset for them to look after that area of the lands provided they don't do anything stupid.

As I was rotating my shoulder I heard a knock.

"May I come in Young Lord?"

"Sir Tristan."

"Young Lord! I'm glad you've safely recovered now may I begin my questioning?"

"Save that for later Sir Tristan, I'm still trying make sense of what had happened to me during the period I was asleep."

"As you wish, ah right! Here are the books that I found useful to a three cored human like you now!"

He then placed the books between my desks, Tristan, despite his looks he is a loyal man when I just gave him enough money for his research and has been helping me develop a few spells that I like.

"So how did it go?"

"Oh you mean this?"

[ Chains of Corruption ]

Shortly ghastly chains that looked clean binded Tristan's feet, he was shocked, but it was only a few seconds before I undid the spell.

"I could feel it, it felt light yet somehow it was painful."

"It was."

He took of his shoe and found there were marks of the chain that had burned off his skin, he instantly threw a healing potion and the skin returned to its normal state.

"To think they could be mixed like this, this is the first time congratulation on your path Young Master."

"Sir Tristan, do you want to record this?"

"I do, but only with your permission a mage has their own strict code of morals and I would never record it or emulate what you're doing besides, I hate the light."

"Please, don't"

"As you will, but can I just record your existence and stories then?"

"I'm still alive no need write a book about me this early."

"But I want to, and you never said no so I will take as a yes, then I will be on my way as I interview the people around here."

I nodded, mages really are eccentric or is it just him?

"Young Lord!"

As he left another man appeared, this time it was the Drunkard Gale.

"I heard you were going to Thi Alma."


"I want to join."


"Well, Elves"

Next chapter