

I looked at the lifeless head in front of me, Aura does cut through steel like butter.

The body was slowly melting in front of me as the hands kept grabbing it downard to who knows where while the chains slowly broke off.

If anything the spells I casted were basic spells bu t I enhanced it with different curses.

For example I compounded it with [ Erosion ]

A straightforward spell that if an enemy I'm trying to kill gets hit by different spells or cuts his insides are slowly eroded until its flesh is melted.

For three months I've been learning curses and different spells, but that doesn't mean I wasn't ready to fight hand to hand.

I was also ready to strengthen myself using Paladin's spells.

Their spells were more worth it for defensive puposes while the Dark Mages were more worth in offensive and scheming purposes.

"So this is the potential of Dark magic"

As I was looking at it a new prompt appeared in front of me.

[ Eliminate the remaining intruders! ]

[ Rewards to be determined depending on the number of eliminations! ]

As soon as I finished reading, a sword slashed in front of the screen, I parried it and quickly stabbed the person in front of me.

The assailant quickly fell, as he kneeled trying to stop the bleeding, I immediately cut the head off.

I looked at the surroundings it was in chaos.

Without wasting time, I immediately helped the ones who were locked in combat or in a stalemate by slashing the backs of the enemy.

Screams were heard as I continued my duty, as I kept cutting of heads, training has paid off it seems as I feel agile.

I kept my cool as heads kept flying, two suddenly rushed in front of me, I didn't mind as I bursted with speed and sliced their heads off.

It wasn't easy, but thanks to training and the chaos it was, if it was any other form of combat It would have been difficult.

Just as I was about to relax another one came swinging, his body was wide open.

I heard the man scream as his body was cut into two.

As I looked at the corpses behind me, I could hear a chuckle.

"Young Master, it seems that You've had fun."

"Its not a fun experience, but I guess it is for you."

"Certainly so, I kept track of your kills."

"Are there no more intruders?



"I kept three alive for interrogation."

"Good, hand over them to the royal investigators not to the military."

"As you order."

Noel said as he came close and gave me a cloth that I wiped the blood in my cheeks.

"Are they safe?"

"Yes, would you like to meet them?"

"No, I'm tired, I think I used up my mana."

"Then I'll prepare you a -"

Noel immediately caught Alfred who fell unconscious.

He saw how he fought, although Alfred looked unaware of what had transpired but he saw how he overused his mana.

"To think he can already achieve what I've practiced for a decade"

He smiled as he carried Alfred on his back, covering one's body with Mana and Aura was a hard thing to do.

Even with Alfred's miniscule amount for now it was too taxing but to Noel he attributed it to Alfred's weird technique.

'When did the Young Master leadn eastern swordplay? Sir Aaron could have never learned about it'

Noel thought about, he instructed thos me who were able to help with what needed to be done.

As he was carrying Alfred he saw Lucia reentee the place with more guards and her shadow's.

She immediately ran to where Noel was.

"Is he."

"He's fine, he just went overboard, it will take a full day or two for him to wake up."

Lucia looked at Alfred who was sleeping, Noel just nodded.

"If I may Princess Lucia."

"Ah! Martha please guide them to a room for Alfred's recuperation."

Noel followed one of Lucia's shadows as he was walking he saw the boy who ran with Lucia earlier who had his fist curled into a palm while biting his lip.

"Excuse me."


A girl asked Noel, he didn't mind it since he was used to carrying heavier things and to Noel Alfred was light as a feather.

"Is he okay?"

"He is fine, he's just tired, Miss?"


"Miss Lilia."

Lilia nodded and Noel went away following Martha, not know what to do.

"Arthur, should we leave?"

"I think let's go to Princess Lucia?"


Lilia and Arthur went to where Lucia was, when they saw her they helped her by just staying by her side.

They watched how she comforted the people and shortly after she was escorted out for their safety and everyone elses.

"Its strange."

Noel said as he was now left alone with Alfred in a room.

He placed him down on the bed but somehow.

'The Young Master is gathering mana and somehow there's a strange point in his heart.'

He observed him, he shook his head and didn't want to ask any further after all everyone had their secrets and he promised to not tell anyone and just forget what was happening right now.

As he was contemplating, Alfred heard knocks on the door.

"Can we come in?"

Alfred contemplated he covered Alfred with a blanket.


Shortly after Lucia came in, followed by Arthur and Lilia.

"Is he okay?"

"For now he's just asleep, please don't worry."

Lucia came close to Alfred and looked at him, she then touched his forehead to check if he had any other ailments.

Noel just allowed it and didn't stop her.

"Is Alfred the son of the Grand Duke?"

Lilia asked Noel and smiled.

"I see"

She wanted to ask more but didn't, I don't mind but I wonder what the Young Master is thinking of now.

Next chapter