
Scums of the World

"Tazuna-sir" said Naruto, standing up from his chair, "I'm aiming to be the strongest hero alive, as well as the Hokage. I'll make sure that people ultimately believe in heroes, no matter what happens."

Old man Tazuna nodded his head, smiled and cleaned his tears. Kakashi wasn't surprised to hear Naruto speak with his Talk-No-Jutsu. 

Sakura gave Naruto a small smile and nodded confidently.

At that moment, Inari came into the room with an angry face. He had overheard Naruto's words and was furious. He slammed his hands on the table and stood up again and screamed at Naruto. Tears were rolling down his cheeks.

"There's no way you'd be a match for Gato's men even if you train, No matter how cool things you say or how much effort you make, the weak always lose out against the truly strong!!"

"Shut up. I'm not like you" said Naruto in a quiet tone, laying his head back on the table.

Kakashi whistled a tune in his head. Its game on, he thought, folding his arms. Was he going to stop this situation from unfolding? No. He thrives in situations like this! 

Inari lost it.

"Shut up, looking at you makes me sick! Sticking your nose in even though you know nothing of this land!! I'm not like you who is always acting frivolous, not knowing one thing about pain!!"

Naruto's eyes darkened in anger, and he stood up from his chair, facing Inari head on.

"So you are just gonna cry everyday like the lead in a tragedy story? If you don't try hard to become a hero and change a bad situation, how can you expect things to get better!?"

Inari was taken aback. Naruto went all the way.

"An idiot like you can just keep crying forever, You cry baby!!"

"Naruto!!" Sakura chirped in " That's a bit harsh"

Inari ran out of the room. Naruto put his hands in his pocket and went to his room.

Two seconds later, Sakura perceived a very foul smell trailing Naruto's path. 

She froze instantly and covered her nose, feeling three times her age.

That idiot!! Have some manners Naruto!! Do you want us to die? I swear I'll kill you, Sakura thought, gritting her teeth, tears brimming at her eyes. Naruto had farted right as he walked out of the room! 

Kakashi began coughing and was almost red from lack of air, and Old man Tazuna felt like he would faint any moment.

He had hoped that the pungent smell was from the toilet, because in his mind, that couldn't come from a human being's stomach. Sakura's face said otherwise.

"Naaarrruuuuutoooo!!!!" Sakura screamed and ran in the direction of Naruto's room.

Naruto yelped and locked his door as his stomach began rumbling. 

Sakura started banging on it. 

He knew the situation was serious, so he tried to leave the dining room earlier. It didn't work out, so he released two soft pops.

He had hoped that the smell wouldn't be that bad, considering the fact he had stuffed his belly earlier that day. For Sakura to come after him, then it was bad, really bad.

"Sakura, I'm really sorry!!" Naruto screamed from his room.

"Open the door and say it to my face. I'll kill you!!" Sakura continued, cracking her fists.

Old man Tazuna and Kakashi burst out laughing, gasping in between because of the foul air. This was a freaking serious conversation that was going on.

"But I agree with Sakura. Naruto's dream of being a hero may collapse after this" said old man Tazuna, still laughing terribly "This is a top tier villain action. Who makes someone breathe this type of air?"

The thought of doing this also popped into Kakashi's head so that he could earn more points, but he quickly wiped it away. It was just revolting. 

Sakura was pissed before, but on hearing Old man Tazuna's words, she and Kakashi burst out laughing, simultaneously.

After a while, Kakashi stood up and went outside, offering to talk to Inari.

Old man Tazuna's face beamed, and he thanked Kakashi. Tsunami was still in her room. Sakura had a worried gaze on her face.

You trust this man too much, Sakura thought, frowning deeply when she saw that Kakashi was going to go talk to Inari.

Inari was sitting outside on the dock across the sea, head bowed. The air was cold. He was swinging his legs on the raft that held the house. He heard footsteps behind him and turned. It was Kakashi-sensei. He had always been wary of him, so he kept his distance. 

Kakashi chuckled inwardly, smiling at the thought that he was going to help Inari feel better, which felt like a big joke. He wasn't a kind person.

Time to earn more scumbag points, Kakashi said in his mind, and took a deep breath.

He sat down beside him. Inari glanced up at him and looked away.

Kakashi looked at the kid with a grin.

"I'm sorry about your father, but I can't help but agree with you. Your father failed you for not becoming a hero in your life."

Tears poked Inari's eyes, and he felt increasingly uncomfortable around Kakashi-sensei. He wanted to stand up and leave, but he couldn't. 

Kakashi held Inari down to prevent him from leaving because notifications about his scumbag points started popping up.

"Don't be fooled by Naruto and his words of heroism," Kakashi sat down next to Inari while still having his hand on the kid's shoulder to prevent him from leaving. His words seemingly try to console Inari by taking the kid's side. 

"You are very blunt, Kakashi-sensei. Won't this be a blow to Naruto, hearing you say all this?" Inari said, feeling like he was being forced to stay and listen. 

"It might be a big blow, as you put it. However, the world is scum. And the people in it are even bigger scums. It's just easier to think and act for yourself only and things will come out alright. I want you to know that. Just think about it. If your dad doesn't force himself to be a dumb hero so much, he can be a hero in your life by being a villain, a scum. That is how a hero should be. He should've just lived and been a scum like your mom and grandpa."

"Hmm" Inari nodded. "But you are a hero to the villagers too. You try hard and feed them for two days in a row. For someone who's against heroic acts, you are quite the hero. And I wanted to say that my mom and grandpa are not scum." 

"I didn't risk my life giving them food. I bought their loyalty for my future evil plans. I will be able to do anything here and no one will stop me."

"That's cocky as hell. It still doesn't change the fact that you are still here, trying to protect my grandpa after being lied to."

"I'm stronger than Zabuza. I'm merely doing my job. Also, don't be guaranteed that your mom and grandpa are not scum," Kakashi jeered, becoming more annoyed with Inari. He always hated brats. 

"My mom and grandpa are not scum. It's not something I need to guarantee for" said Inari, his voice breaking. He didn't like where this conversation was going. He… he still wanted to leave but Kakashi isn't letting him! 

"In your dreams, brat. Didn't you hear that your grandpa lied to Konoha like a fucking scum just to get his mission accepted?" 

"???" Inari looked at Kakashi. He did hear his grandpa saying that he lied to the village… 

"And do you know the words 'fuck' or 'sex'? I bet you don't know because you are a minor…"

"I know what sex is. The gender, male or female or…" He shuddered a bit, scared of what Kakashi was planning to say. 

"Not that, '' Kakashi interrupted in a laughing voice. It's been long since he had heard such innocent answers. Inari looked like he was nine or ten years old. Not so surprising.

"Sex is the act of making babies. In vulgar language, it is called 'fuck'. Your mama and real papa fucked when you introduced them to each other."

"Okay. What has fuck got to do with my mom?"

"I fucked her right in the pussy. There, in the kitchen where you eat your meals. I fucked her good, Inari! I shoved my dick in her. All the way up inside of her. I blew her mind out. I blew it all out, did you know that? She did it all because she wanted something from me. She IS A SCUM. Maybe you should call me papa from now on. Papa Kashi! You should give it a try. I might've left a little brother or sister for you already." 

Inari's eyes widened in shock when he heard Kakashi reveal this.

"Liar. My mom wouldn't fuck with you." Inari rebutted. His grandpa might've acted like a scum… but how could his mom too? 

Great, he was already using the curse word. Well done Kakashi, Kakashi thought, an evil grin spreading all over his face. Notifications for gaining scumbag points were increasing.

Inari got scared, and he could feel his heart thumping wildly in his chest. He began to think… If what Kakashi says is correct, this could explain why his mom was sulking a little today. 

"Oh contraire, kid. Go ask your mom if you don't believe me. But I just wanted to let you know that your mom's pussy was so good anyway. Do you know what a pussy is?"

"A..puuu…sss…yy caaa..t??" asked Inari, wiping his eyes with the back of his palm. He could only think of a fuzzy cat when he heard of pussy. 

"Nope. Wrong. Vagina, a hole used for inserting the penis" Kakashi said and pointed at the middle of Inari's trousers. Inari instinctively jammed his legs together, and raised his head up to look at Kakashi. He was shaking.

"In vulgar language it's called pussy. So yeah, the summary of it is that I fucked your mom's pussy real good." 

Tears streamed from Inari's cheeks. Kakashi was forcibly holding him prisoner at this point, and he was telling him all these disgusting acts he did! He was not going to believe anything this wicked man was saying. 

Kakashi smiled and continued when he saw Inari's despair.

"It was fun. Sucking those damn breasts…and she could moan real good too, so I had to tie her mouth so you wouldn't hear her. She actually begged me to do it. So I did, I pounded my eight inch dick into her pussy, till she couldn't move." 

"Anyways, my point is that you just need to become a scum to become a hero. Your dad wasn't a scum, so he isn't a hero. I was a scum and fucked your mom, so I'm a hero in my story. I can't wait for you to go ask your mom about her scummy actions," Kakashi stood up, and dusted his pants.

He then paused for a moment and looked down at the sulking Inari. 

"Another lesson, never vouch for anyone other than yourself. You may end up getting hit where you do not expect it."

Kakashi suddenly kicked Inari into the cold river. Inari yelped and gulped in the dark, swallowing in water. Kakashi stared down at him. Inari's eyes were wide, brimming with fear. 

"Just like now," Kakashi said and walked away.

He's lying, he's a real big liar, I won't question mom, never!! Inari screamed in his mind as tears rolled freely down, putting himself in self denial. Apart from that, he felt like he was really going to drown and die.

Kakashi popped his head through the front door. Sakura was reading a magazine. Naruto was still locked in his room out of fear.

"Sakura, I'm going to get Sasuke"

"Okay sir," said Sakura, finally heaving a sigh of relief. At least he still cared about his students.

"And I think I saw Inari slipping into the water from the dock, would you mind helping him out?" Kakashi said, making sure that the kid doesn't die. He wouldn't mind but then again, he still had to make a report to the Hokage after he's done here. 

Sakura gave him an unbelievable look and dashed outside. She didn't believe that Inari would slip all by himself! Kakashi probably did it or something! 

As Sakura ran, a notification bar popped into Kakashi's mind.

[ Scumbag points earned — 600 points ]

[ Total Points: 3178 Scumbag Points ] 

All of these points were gathered through the villagers and his scummy actions against his students and Inari just now. 

Kakashi smiled and headed out. He needed to start the real training of his students tomorrow. Before that, he was going to force that Sharingan out of Sasuke's eyes.

Next chapter