
96 End of the Meeting

Lukecus was standing in the center surrounded by his team members begins to speak.

"It seem like doing missions in the dungeon is the best way to earn merit points, but its easily one of the most dangerous methods. Do anyone here know anything about the dungeon, and the dangers that come with it."

"I know a little, I was told a few things from another student that went in the dungeon before. I'm not sure how reliable the information is though." Robert nervously spoke up.

"Go ahead and say what you found out, it would still be a good idea to hear. Even if there a chance it is just false information." Lukecus replied.

"Well, I was told that its like a free for all inside there. Never trust anyone that's not in your group, even if they in the same school. All the safe places had been explored, so alot of people rather let other people do the treasure hunting and wait for them to come back to ambush them. The guy said try to get on a team that have a mage or the chances you getting Rob will be alot higher." Robert said.

"Yeah I already took care of that, we may not have a mage on the team but my cousin is a mage and will help us out on our way back from exploring. All we got to do is come back on the day he agreed to wait for us." Lukecus replied.

"Seeing that no one else have anything to add, I will tell what I know of the dungeon. Its better to have a team between 8 to 6 people. If it to large of a team it will become hard to travel without being easily noticed by beasts and people. If you have to few team members, it will be hard to stay safe. Beasts and people tends to attack in groups there, so even if you can kill them, you can easily run out of mana fast fighting, and you will never know if you will have to fight another fight right after."

Lukecus talk for a while on things he learned from his family while everyone listen.

"Now that you got an idea what to expect, do you still want to stay on this team. Its pretty obvious we are not the strongest team so we will have to fight for things alot." Lukecus asked.

"I don't mind staying on the team, but what's the deal with this F grade rank1 novice on the team. Wouldn't he just hold us back." Max asked looking at Ryan in disdain.

"He not as weak as you would think, he wouldn't be able to join the academy if he was a simple rank1 novice." Lukecus responded.

"But he still a rank1 at the end of the day, even if he is a stronger rank1. No one here is simple for there rank, so does it really mean that much." Max replied, still looking down on Ryan.

At this point Lukecus was not sure what to say, he agree with what max is saying. He wouldn't want a rank 1 on his team either, if he had a choice.

Ryan seeing and hearing the exchange of words stood there quietly. He didn't like being look down on but the guy didn't say anything false so, there was nothing to respond to.

After hesitating for a little Lukecus responded. "I will be honest here, there nothing to hide anyway. I wanted Elizabeth to join the team and she was only willing if I let the other 2 join too."

"What so special about her, we all got D grade talent too other than those 2." Max said in a irritated tone.

"She will be a good addition to the team, she focus on speed. People like her can really help with most situations in the dungeon, plus i was aiming to form a balanced team. Can you just respect my decision and not make a fuss about your team member. We will have to work together and will need each other help eventually." Lukecus said.

Max just grunted and chose to keep quiet.

"Is there anything else?" Lukecus asked the team.

"How will the merit points be split after completing the mission, and do we get to keep what we find individually while we explore?" Raven asked.

"I think for now we should split evenly. I will get 20% since I'm the learder while everyone eles get 10%". Lukecus replied.

"Wait what, have you look at the mission yet. We will only get like 10 or 20 merit points per mission than. Im at rank3, why should I get the same amount as a rank1 member of the team." Max said with a slight angry tone.

"Yeah, I agree with max." Raven added.

Lukecus saw some of the other nodded there head in agreement and sighed.

"We could go by how much a person contribute to the mission but than it may get unfair after awhile. Depending on the roles I assign people to do, they may not get a chance to contribute alot. Than that may lead to people not wanting to follow my orders or doing things on there own to have more contributions."

"We can vote on the way we distribute the merit points. Everyone add me as a friend on skynet and send me messages on what way you want to distribute the merit points. The higher number of votes win for now."

Everyone tap there skynet with Lukecus and sent him a message. He took a few seconds checking the answers.

"Hum, every person said contributions is how they would want to distribute the merit points. Well I guess that is how we will distribute the points, so if anyone want to change it later just send me a message."

"Oh, you even said you want contributions too." Max looked at Ryan as he said that.

"How can a rank 1 novice contribute anything to the mission." Max laughed mockingly at Ryan.

Ryan was unfazed by Max mocking words on the outside but in the inside he was getting annoyed with him.

"Im not planning on going into the dungeon until I'm a rank2 and I will be rank2 in less than a month." Ryan calmly responded.

No one made a comment after Ryan had responded, they thought it would not matter much if he was going in the dungeon or not.

"When will we enter the dungeon and for how long?" Robert asked.

"Let's go in 2 days, prepare to stay for 2 weeks. We will meet up in front of the dungeon hall center at 10 in the morning. We will pick the missions together, and than head in the dungeon." Lukecus replied.

They talked about a few more things like roles people was good at or how to act as a team. An hour went pass and the team meeting ended. Everyone went there own way and Ryan went back to the cultivation room to keep on creating his spell.

Next chapter