
29 What doesn't kill you make you stronger

Ryan woke up late the next day. He plans to stay in the tree until he fully recover from his injuries.

Ryan attempt to sit up to eat, but pain course throughout his body.

"Aahhhh." The sound of him groning echo in the hollow tree.

"Why do the pain feel worse than it did yesterday, this don't make sense. I should of got more healed over time." Ryan said in a annoyed and confused tone.

Taking out another healing pill, Ryan notice he only have 8 left.

"It will be dangerous for me to run out of healing pills before I leave this forest. I need to be more careful when I use these for now on. I should only take them if my injuries are life threatening, and just rest to heal for any other injuries."

Ryan still took the healing pill tho and start eating. As he ate he thought back to the fight to see where he could improve.

"Should I even call that a fight, it was more like getting beaten. I didn't do much fighting back, i was only just trying to survive. The only strike I hit him with wasn't even a lethal strike to a beast.

Now looking back, all this could have been avoided. Time to add another rule to always follow while in the forest, never let your mana reserves go below 25%.

Another thing I need to work on is staying compose and level headed. Once I saw the beast I just sat there. Even if I had full mana, I would of still got beaten because of that.

Next time I should try to create space to give myself more time to think. Plus its common knowledge beasts are physically stronger than humans at the same rank. I will be at a disadvantage if I face it in close combat without a plan.

The other thing I need to be able to do is stay calm, I had panicked once it rush me. If I didn't panic maybe I would of thought to roll to the side or stab at the beast chest. Me swinging the sword was a dumb idea looking back at it.

There wasn't much power in that swing and even if it had did land at full power, it wouldn't die. At most I would of left a deep gashe on it but if I were to stab at full power it  would of done more damage. Of course the location where to stab is important but it would of done more damage overall too.

If I had stab the heart or brain I could even kill it. I should start stabing all the time now that I think about it. Beasts have thick and tough skin. Slashing is not as affective as stabing most of the time. There no deadly attacks or inflicting serious damage with a swing of a sword.

Ahh wait, I forgot I could of cut off the head too.

Humm, maybe swinging and stabing are both important. I just need to remember which one is the most appropriate to use at the time.

Well, I can't think of anything else I could change to have done better. Guess it's time to focus on recovering"

Ryan spent the next 7 days recovering and cultivateing. His left arm was not at 100% but it was close to it. He felt like it was healed enough to start back training.

Ryan was eager to train, he have some new training methods he want to tryout. Over the time he spent recovering, he was still getting those strange dreams. In his dream he watch someone train in this place called a gravity chamber.

It can make people body heavier just like his element does, but the only down side he can't make it as heavy as the person did. And he learned some new strength training exercises. Pluse he thought of new attacks he can do from watching so much tv.

He even forgot something important that he should of thought of before but watching TV made him remember.

He was told in school beast can sense nearby humans, without seeing them. They can sense humans mana cores and the stronger the core, the easier it is to be sense.

He never had a problem with that though, the the beast only ever noticed him when he is seen or blood is near. He do know there techniques that a person could learn to fix that but he never learned any.

Once he left the tree and the first thing he did was look for his swords. He thought about leaving and bringing them back sooner, but he had figured the beasts shouldn't take his swords.

And he was right he found both of them again near the area they supposed to be at. He didn't see the monkey but he assumed it got eaten. He didn't want to even entertain the thought of the monkey healing over time and leaving.

"I guess this will be the time to start my own training montage like they do in the shows." Ryan chuckle to himself thinking that.

He start back up his training routine but instead of training 3 times a day he train twice a day. He didn't start slacking on his training but he trained even harder.

That monkey put a shadow of fear in his heart. He may of won the fight in the end, but the feeling of helplessness when the beast was on top of him, it had scard him.

It sounds wrong, but the feeling of being overwhelmed and beaten by sheer strength. And all you can do is watch him as he have his way with you, while you wait for death. It will really make a person hungry for more strength.

He was always working hard to get stronger before but if someone was looking at him from the outside. It was like he was training and working hard at 100% effort. But now it seem like he training and working hard like his life was on the line, putting out 200% effort.

He may of had high motivation and reason to train hard before. A chance to see his family again and to stay alive but it wasn't as high as it could be. He do really want to get home but deep down he truly thinks its impossible.

Now he training hard because it became more personal. He more emotionally invested into getting stronger. I'm not saying he wasn't emotionally invested before but how invested can you really be when you already determine the results of your efforts. No matter how hard he trained before he never actually thought he will make it out this forest alive.

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