
So this is love-making (18+)

[Song recommendation: Falling (W: Two Worlds OST)]

The Grandmaster abruptly removed his fingers which were now slick and coated from the oil, resulting in a hushed exhale from Chi Cheng who groaned at the absence of him. The older male adjusted their positions, laying Chi Cheng on his back on the bed while he parted the younger male's legs.

Han Xuelian savoured a moment to marvel at the way Chi Cheng's body bloomed for him before he loomed over the younger male, slipping a finger back inside Chi Cheng's moistened entrance. A drawn-out moan met the Grandmaster's actions and a flash of heat shot right to his groin hardening at the sound.

Han Xuelian husked out as he shifted to suckle at Chi Cheng's neck, restraining a snarl when the younger male pushed back down on his three inserted fingers.

Wordlessly demanding more and if that wasn't the most erotic, desire-inducing thing the Grandmaster hadn't seen before, he didn't know what was.

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