
Grandmaster's request

Returning to the Han Clan estate, the Grandmaster bid farewell to An Xing at the stables before making his way back to his personal quarters.

Walking along the stone bridge that stretched across the lotus lake surrounding the buildings of each hall, the Grandmaster sighed to himself. Aside from the weariness of the day's events, he was disappointed when he didn't find Chi Cheng's earring.

'I'm glad I didn't promise him that I would find it… he'd be too saddened.'

He even searched the ledge at the end of the Frost Forest, remaining outside much longer than Han Yongrui told him to, but it was to no avail. Eventually, he gave up when night approached and the icy air grew colder.

'I could have used my Qi Resonance to find it… but I can't exhaust any more energy and I would need a more intricate focus.' Cursing his inability to find the earring, Han Xuelian hastened his pace towards his quarters.

'I should bring Chi Cheng to that pit when he's recovered… I might find something more useful.'

Entering his room, the Grandmaster's expression hardened. His gaze searched the room intensely, darting from each corner to the windows. Yet, he did not find Chi Cheng within sight. Nor was he resting in bed as he should have been.

"He promised to listen…" Han Xuelian clicked his tongue irritably, hastily tousling his hair which was damp from the snow specks that settled over it on his way back.

"No," the Grandmaster turned around furiously, storming out of the room. "If you pledge to be obedient, then you must keep your word, Chi Cheng."

Intending to head for the guest disciples' quarters, the Grandmaster abruptly dismissed most of the inner sect disciples who greeted him as he passed by them on his way. Assuming that their intimidating Grandmaster was enraged, as if an ice aura visibly exuded from him and threatened to freeze them, they were cautious enough to not pester or question him.

Arriving at his destination, Han Xuelian enquired from one of the guest disciples about Chi Cheng's assigned room. They hesitantly directed him, hurrying back to their own room when he finally passed.

Reaching Chi Cheng's room, he knocked once on the door. When he didn't receive a response immediately, he knocked harder the second time. As if remembering his manners, he removed his shoes and set them neatly along the bamboo screen wall outside the room. Impatiently, he tapped his white-socked foot on the wooden floor.

Han Xuelian's anger flared the moment the door opened and Chi Cheng greeted him. The shorter male's eyes widened nervously when the Grandmaster's icy blue gaze peered into him.

Chi Cheng quietly closed the door behind himself as he stepped out of the room. The hallway was dimly lit with a few candles dying out so he could only vaguely see Han Xuelian's features, but the blue orbs that glared at him were quite prominent.

"You said you would listen to me…" Han Xuelian's tone deepened, sending a chill along Chi Cheng's spine. "You're already disobeying me."

"Forgive me," Chi Cheng said apologetically, rubbing his arm while he averted his gaze. "I just wanted to spend some time with Ah-Ran and tell him a few encouraging things before the next test."

'It's always that brother of yours…' The Grandmaster prevented himself from blurting out a remark about Chi Weiran's incapabilities.

Regardless of his own anger, he didn't want to give Chi Cheng a negative impression of himself.

"You intended to do it the whole night?" Han Xuelian folded his arms, raising an eyebrow that wasn't visible in the scant light. "Why are you on your feet? You're straining your injury."

In a whisper, Chi Cheng briefly explained his mother's treatment, leaving out details that would rouse suspicion or expose the Chi Clan's darkest secrets.

"Is your brother asleep?" Sighing, Han Xuelian inhaled a deep breath to calm his nerves.

Chi Cheng answered him with an obedient, yet solemn nod. Once again, he was wary enough not to earn himself Han Xuelian's anger or disdain. If he refused any requests from the Grandmaster, then he would only be labelled as ungrateful or defiant in a place where he had no standing.

'I don't want him to defy me…but I don't like it when he's too submissive either.' The Grandmaster realised, slipping his shoes back on.

"You said you wanted to repay me, yes?" Han Xuelian caught Chi Cheng's chin with his forefinger, angling the younger male's head to face him directly. "Then listen to a request I have and fulfil it."

"I would be honoured if there is anything that I can do in return for you…" Chi Cheng mumbled, gulping from the icy sensation of the Grandmaster's fingertips against his skin.

'I expected him to give me a witty reply… Did I scare him?' The Grandmaster reconsidered his approach, making a mental note for the future.

"Although you're able to walk, you need more time to heal." The Grandmaster stated. He carefully picked up Chi Cheng, refusing to allow him to walk by himself.

"You're not objecting?" The Grandmaster said with a hint of mischief.

"Would there be a point if I did?" Chi Cheng sighed, folding his arms and accepting Han Xuelian's gesture.

'Now there's that wittiness…' The Grandmaster smirked. His earlier disgruntled mood began to settle.

He felt more relieved and burden free of his brewing frustration once Chi Cheng was within his possession again.

The Grandmaster was considerate to avoid any of the inner sect disciples or intruding gazes on his way back to their room. Despite his insistence and disregard for others' ideals or perspectives, he didn't want anyone to start baseless rumours and tarnish Chi Cheng's reputation.

It was ridiculous enough that his nephew, Han Yongrui, assumed he was favouring Chi Cheng over the other guest disciples.

Finally arriving at his room, the Grandmaster laid Chi Cheng on the bed so that he was positioned sitting upright with his legs off to the side of the bed.

He retrieved a vial with red liquid from the drawer. Settling himself on the bed, he laid on his back and propped the back of his head on Chi Cheng's lap.

A flicker of confusion and surprise crossed Chi Cheng's face, blinking a few times to confirm whether his sight functioned perfectly or not. His body stiffened, unaccustomed to having anyone behave intimately with him other than the younger brother he often spoiled.

"You…didn't mention what your request was…" Chi Cheng looked away awkwardly.

Han Xuelian outstretched a hand upwards to cup Chi Cheng's cheek, bringing the shorter male's head to face him directly yet again.

"You have a habit of looking away from me," Han Xuelian said sternly. "I don't like it."

Chi Cheng nodded compliantly, drawing a mental reminder not to repeat the habit again.

Handing Chi Cheng the vial with red liquid, the Grandmaster shifted his head a few times until he found the perfect, comfortable position.

"I am weary from the day's events and my head is throbbing." Han Xuelian smiled at the shorter male. "Will you massage my head for me?"

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