

Pain…. Yes, pain was all he felt.

He was in a dark space. It was as if the darkness itself was the cause of his pain.

Suddenly, he felt his body being pulled by an unknown force. The speed was too much and he wanted to scream but nothing came out of his mouth.

A bright flash of light appeared, making him close his eyes.

The pain decreased and he slowly opened his eyes.

He felt himself suspended in the dark sky with only three sources of light.

They were shaped like humans and one of them had a red aura, the second one had a white aura and the last one had a dark aura.

He was awed at the majestic sight. The power he felt from the auras was immeasurable.

Suddenly, the three auras combined together and formed a big boulder that raced towards him.

He tried to run away but he couldn't even move a muscle.

The boulder got intensely close to him and was about to hit him.


Nathan's eyes snapped open. His breathing was ragged.

"What happened?" Siena asked in a curious tone.

She couldn't see Nathan's dream but she could feel that something was going on.

Nathan told Siena about the nightmare he just had about the three auras and the boulder.

"I don't know anything about it," Siena said.

Nathan was about to say something but he was interrupted by a system notification.


[Find out the real cause of everything]

[Progress: Zero percent]

[Time limit: None]

[Reward: ??]

"What kind of quest is this?" Nathan thought.

"Quests are influenced by events that take place around you, so I'm sure the nightmare has something to do with it," Siena said.

"That means the nightmare has a more deeper meaning," Nathan reasoned.

"The quest didn't mention a particular thing to find out, it said everything which means it's gonna be broad," Nathan thought.

Siena didn't know what to say. The quest and Nathan's nightmare were both foreign to her.

Silence ensued for some seconds before it was broken by Nathan.

"I still don't know anything about my parents so this quest will have to wait," he said.

"I understand," Siena said with a sigh.

She knew that Nathan put his family first and he was seriously finding a way to look for them so she wasn't surprised that Nathan ignored the quest for now.

Thankfully, there was no time limit and he could still come back to it anytime.

It was Monday so classes were going to hold. Nathan didn't go out on Sunday, he spent the whole day training and trying to create a skill in his room.

Nathan got to the class which was already filled with students and he walked to his usual sit at the back. 

He didn't mind the stares he received from the other students especially the girls, he was somehow used to it.

Jagger walked into the class while smiling as usual. He cleared his throat to get everyone's attention.

"Okay class, I know many of you have not been able to create a skill yet but it's not easy so don't feel discouraged. Once you create one, it will become easier to create other ones," Jagger said.

"That's true but there's something he's not saying," Siena said.

"What is that?" Nathan asked.

When abilities appeared, some people naturally had two skills and had to create the rest themselves, depending on their talent," Siena explained.

"Some persons?" Nathan asked.

"Yes, some were born with three or four. That's the highest number of natural skills ever seen."

"And I thought everyone has only two natural skills." He thought.

"A person's talent determines how fast he or she will make a skill."

"If it's high then it'll be fast while if it's low then the speed of the skill creation will be slow," Siena said.

"Just for how long were you reading?" Nathan asked.

Siena knew alot of things that he didn't even know.

"I read alot of things in order to know the situation on earth so that I can help you with the information," Siena replied.

"I would've known all these on my own if I went to the library to read but I guess I just don't have the time," Nathan said.

"You're always training everytime and I understand that but you should really try to read some books in the library, it'll help," Siena said.

Nathan just sighed before remembering what she just told him about talents.

"Maybe he doesn't want them to be discouraged that's why he hasn't told them." Nathan reasoned.

Nathan was sure his talent was high because of the speed at which he was progressing in his skill creation.

"Today, we're going to see how we can understand the skills we already have," Jagger said.

They all moved to the training room. It was spacious so it easily contained all of them.

Everyone had a little space around them to freely use their skills.

"Use your first skill and observe the way it is formed," Jagger said.

Confusion was written on the faces of the students. 

"Isn't it better to train and spar with our abilities? Why are we observing it?" A male student asked.

Some of the students nodded in agreement to the boy's question.

"It's the most important and useful aspect of everyone's abilities," Jagger replied.

"You guys won't understand now," Jagger thought.

Some of them were still against it but they had to do it.

"Try to sense the energy that comes out of your body to create the skill and observe the process," Jagger explained.

Most of the students were able to sense their own energy because of the days spent trying to create a skill. 

Nathan activated the earth spike skill and he could feel the energy seeping out of his fingertips.

The energy gathered on top his hands and it slowly formed the earth spike.

It happened fast but because of his level of concentration, he was able to see the whole process.

"He'll never cease to amaze me. His talent is high," Jagger thought.

Nathan was still looking at the earth spike when someone approached him.

He looked up and saw a boy with a big build and brown hair.

His build made him look like he could carry a car and toss it.

But the shocking thing was his face.

The boy had an innocent and cute face greatly contrasting his build.

"Your face doesn't fit your body," Nathan thought.

That was the first thing that came to his mind.

Yay, finally contracted. Thanks for the support. Please don't forget to vote with power stones and also leave a review and comments, it'll be much appreciated. Thanks alot.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation


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