
A girl I like

I….don't know what to say, Lima. Thank you!?. I have always wished that you haven't married a boy but he has taken good care of you and your children. Kali is a good man, I can see that!

He is a good man, indeed! But I love you!, Lima reiterated.

I love you too, Lima! But it's different now. We are grown women and have our responsibilities to take care of and face. I am here for you. I am still your best friend and someone who loves you no matter what.

Same here!, Lima added holding my hands and kissing them.

We didn't know that Kali came home early. Susa was about to offer tea for the owner of the house but he motioned to be silent. When Lima and I finished talking, Kali came in to the living room to welcome me to his household. Here I realized that he is a gentle man and he loves Lima so much he respects her as much as her friends or family. I love this guy already and have high respects on the likes of him, a wonderful and dignified man.

Kali wrapped his arm around Lima when I went away. I know he is a good man and he will take care of my Lima always. Now, it's time for me to move on and get to know other people starting today. Lima and I just had our closure and it felt so amazing that I didn't feel empty or lonely. I feel happy and ready to face the new beginning in my life now. I'm excited to become the queen, to take over Egypt after mother's reign. Egypt, here I come!

It is a good thing that I visited Lima and got to know her family. I hope that Kali would love her same as I adore and respect my childhood best friend and love. Now I have proven that people who truly cares about you would try their best to understand and help you no matter what you are feeling or going through. Those who don't really care would laugh or even bully you around because they thought you are weak or easy to manipulate. But mother taught me to stay calm in the midst of hardship and bad people. Meekness and wisdom doesn't mean you are weak but you don't place yourself at the same level as the person who is belittling, bullying or disrespecting you. She also advised that it is better to put myself on other people's shoes before judging them or getting affected, distracted by their cold or disrespectful attitude. Respect is the key to a happy, long, healthy and loving relationship. So does treating yourself with respect and not letting people disrespect you no matter what the case or situation.

I don't understand mother at times and why she wanted me to study well or learn, train being the best leader for Egypt. How I wish I can learn them all at once. But with my small mind I can't learn everything just like that. Haaa…..Oh, Armania, one of mother's maids. What is she doing here at…, I thought and hid near the fruit stand salesman when hearing the woman say something about mother. They are just a few feet away from me.

Have you kept the potion for the Queen? Aha….wow, how much is this?, the elderly woman with an Abaya covering half of face from the upper lip down. I can't see her full face why I am worried that one of my mother's trusted ladies maids would come here in a public and unsecured market.

Thank you, Wanda!, the queen would be so happy with this gift!, Armania added smiling fondly at the woman who said her goodbyes walking away.

I saw you, Princess Jaur! Why are you here? I thought you were with your best friend Lima?, Armania suddenly said calling out for me which I surprisingly scratched my head after I smiled wittingly walking out of my hiding place behind sir fruit salesman.

Ah, I didn't mean to pry, Armania! But what about that potion. Mother needs that? Why?

It's none of your business Princess. It's classified. You should ask your mother about this. Good day! Don't stay out long, here. This place has thieves and cons, so be careful!, Armanis replied and disappearing right in front of me. Aha, I forgot that she is Aunt Meraek's disciple so she knows magic and sorcery like any other priestesses in the temple of Thebes.

While walking the stony pavement of Thebes, I kept thinking about the potion when I came about a hill where Elina and some men are trying to touch her.

Stop it. I don't want to come with you. You're drunk. Get away from me. Help!!!, Elina shouted while throwing her hands and arms to push them away. You are cute, I am a nice guy, don't worry, I'll be gentle!, the man who is swerving from side to side said. He is definitely drunk. The other guy is down and laughing while trying to touch Elina's leg.

Perverts! Stop what you're doing! I'm ordering you, by the decree of Princess..ahhhh. Stop that!!!, Jaur shoute hesitating to say her true identity, a couple of feet where she's standing from the men and Elina.

Haha…and what do we have here! Another girl. You look very familiar and wow…rich! I'm sure you taste and smell better than her!!!, the other guy who is seated on the ground stood up and ran towards me. As he is about to grab me and my chest, I swerved away from the right and he fell face flat and cursed me.

Aha…if you want me, then fight me!, I added and pulled my sword. He didn't budge and stood up and ran away. The other man who is still holding Elina's arm looked at me shockingly, then smiled and ran on a different direction still dizzily swerving from left to right from drunkenness.

I breathed heavily and tilted my head on the right to see if I can it the man with my knife, which I did when I used his butt as a bull's eye. I hit him and he jumped and shouted aloud from pain while running. He pulled the small knife from his bottom, threw it away and ran for his dear life.

And stay out!!!!, I shouted laughing. Elina is naughtily smiling but still shivering from the men who tried to harass her.

Do you feel okay now?

Yes, thank you! Jaur, right?

Yes, Jaur, Elina, what are you doing here? I thought you are at the bar?

Yes, I was but those drunk followed me since I needed to buy some fruits and vegetables for dinner tonight, Elina said seriously.

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