
Kingdom's Future

They say that history repeats itself but I doubt it. I want to change history that it will never repeat the bad, evil and ugly reality that springs from the throne which consists of greed, selfish and jealous reign of the kings, queens and pharaohs. I was devastated when..

Meraek was seized since she predicted my fate that unfaithful night but waited on me for years until I returned Egypt. She was taken away from me as I was held captive in Nubia. The elders of the courts allegedly accused me and her having illicit relations, which was true. Why I now held a decree that I wrote into a law that pharaohs, queens and kings can keep his or her relationships private. That not even the elders or heads of state can meddle or control since they already do with my reign and management of the kingdom and my royal affairs. 

Meraek silently prayed to the gods and visited me in my dreams like as dethroned Queen in prison to my own self in Nubia. Meraek didn't tell anyone, withholding information about how the pharoah, I, will rise from the ashes to conquer my seat in the throne again. Anhemnotep, my father was killed and Sadiki tried to save him but ending up conniving with a council elder who hated Henshupta as female Pharaoh as his ancestors were against female pharaoh's since Hapshetsut's reign. They plot to kill me using a spy and was successful on snatching away from me, my throne. I was imprisoned, raped, tortured but my right hand the young scribe to expose the corrupt elders who also plot the previous pharaoh's murder. After my escape in Nubia and regained power. I assumed throne as Pharaoh and lived all my life strengtheningthe Egyptian army and trades that made Egypt richer and magnificent than before Pharaoh Hapshetsut. I reclaimed and restored Hapshetsut's superb works and name in the Egyptian books with the help of my youngest scribe and soon to be queen, phraoah, Jaur or Hekhenshepsu-Jaur, my daughter. I am Queen Henshupta, god of Khons, Pharaoh, Ruler of Egypt …

After reminiscing about my past and hearing my past enemies ashes mocking me, I decided to reconcile with them and appease their souls and the gods for my past sins and karmas.

I ran to the mountains and came about the tallest among them all called Mount Sinai. The one I came about before when I saw the vision of Prince Moses, the well-known and loved Vizier of Egypt and the one who saved our people and the world from famine and pestilence. I cried out to the gods near the tip of it, when, the dazzling falling stars came about and the winds blew as if talking to me and it did, "Take heart, my child! You are blessed! The gods has spoken and they are pleased of you and your generation will flourish and reign until the fourth, the fifth and eternal. Just do what you do best and keep the faith. I am with you, my beloved daughter. I miss and love you!"



A man stood before me levitating and hanging away from the edge of the mountain tip, illuminating, surrounded by flashing lights, I couldn't look at him straight without my eyes hurting from his blinding greatness.

No, I am He, the One and Only God, Jeshua, Emmanuel, Jesus!!!

Huh!!!??? Who?

Call me Christ! Or Jesus!

Hmm, Jesus. Alright. So, why are you here? And why are you talking to me. Who are you?

Ah, haha, yes. I believe we haven't met. I am a friend of your ancestors and Moses is my best pal, Jesus said smiling at me and the laminating lights disappeared when he stepped on the tip of the mountain and walked straight towards me. He sat beside me on the bon fire which I was surprised too to find out when I opened my eyes like I was in a dream. The fire already had two fishes being cooked and two wooden plates with manna and breads placed on top of a sort of like table made out of huge pile of wood cut into smaller pieces, refined and made with delicate hands.

Do you like the table I made for you? I did that with my own hands. I am a carpenter, you see!

Are you hungry? I cooked fish for you and me, since I know you came a long way to seek for me!, the man who he called himself Jesus added, with two holes on his palms yet with soft voice and countenance when he moves.

Ah yes!, how did he know that I am hungry. My stomach is growling and wow, he does have talent. The table he made is exquisite. I have never seen one like it, not in Egypt nor in Persia or Nubia. Maybe he only sells it in Mesopotamia or Asia maybe?

I came from Israel, not in this lifetime but the next!, Jesus cried and handed me some of the bread, fish and manna. Why did I say manna? I have never seen or tasted some anyway! But I just thought that it's something I have smelt or experienced before.

So you have questions for me, Henshu! Haha! You have grown to be a wonderful lady. Your father must have been so proud of your and indeed he is. He loves you so much and so does myself!, Jesus said and looked at me with tender eyes which made me melt and all of a sudden I'm crying, but I just thought that it's something I have smelt or experienced before.

So you have questions for me, Henshu! Haha! You have grown to be a wonderful lady. Your father must have been so proud of you and indeed he is. He loves you so much and so does myself!, Jesus said and looked at me with tender eyes which made me melt and all of a sudden I'm crying like crazy in front of Him. I was embarrassed while brushing off the tears from my eyes smiling. My heart was so full of joy that my heart wanted to burst out of my chest..

Eat first. I'm sure you are hungry. Jesus divided the Pita bread and gave the half to me saying, "Eat, my body as I give myself to you and to your people as a lamb for the slaughter. Drink my blood as you feed and help my children on earth, in Egypt and all the cities around the world!

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