
Gentle lovemaking

No girl could make someone as helplessly captivated as Angel did, always leaving one unable to cope.

At first, Sam thought Angel was just all talk, like many young teens trying hard to act grown-up.

Spouting mature-sounding phrases and engaging in seemingly mature actions, but actually incredibly fragile inside.

However, as he got to know her better, as more events unfolded, and as he felt the force of her presence, it all proved that she was truly special.

She was like a vortex that one knew was dangerous but couldn't help but be drawn into, unable to extricate oneself.

And moreover...

She was too diligent, too eager to learn.

Especially in matters of love, she was understanding more and more.

She was beginning to grasp what drove men wild, learning quickly how to excite a man beyond his control in a short time.

Just a single crude, vulgar yet direct phrase was enough to make Sam instantly aroused.

It was outrageous.


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